How subtly the appetizer tastes,
A humorous wisp of criticism delighting as a tease.
Say it with goodwill and it is perceived as a clever joke
Imbue it with hostility and its sting evokes grimaces.
Escalating with the first course is contempt,
Served on a silver tray of ridicule.
The jarring jaded cynicism spread with intent
Derides, mocks, and scorns with impunity.
Smiling through the double entendres
Delivered with a surgical precision,
Designed to injure without blood,
Ridicule sabotages by calcifying dignity.
What would a main course be without shame?
Ignominy displayed with an impeccable presentation
Lays down stigmatic memories in its cruel wake
Rendering a plate of internal torment.
Dessert is chilled by schadenfreude.
The wicked delight in the guilty pleasure
Watching misfortune beset those deemed deserving
Smirking as the raped call out to be released.
How pitiless the soul rotted by injury
Whose festering wound brews
The frozen rage beneath their icy breast
By a meal so tainted with poison.