Sunday, May 31, 2015


Yes, I do know Aquarians well. 
  • Both my oldest sister (one of my terminal sibs) and first husband (deceased) were born in Aquarius a day apart (Jan 25th & 26th) in the same year (1948). They were unique but very opposite in spite of being born within hours of one another.
  • Aquarians are strong thinkers, known for their independent, adventurous spirit.
  • Aquarians are air signs-they live in their heads (mostly intuitive thinkers). Underneath all that intellectualization is a heart, but it plays second fiddle to all that intense internal ideation.
  • Aquarians love thinking, freedom, flight, anything innovative, and the abstract.
  • Being an Aquarian will give one a certain amount of karmic leverage because Aquarius is associated with social justice. Absolving karmic debt through equanimity is one of their greatest strengths.
  • Aquarians rarely have their feet on the ground. However, without Aquarians there would not be as many eureka moments, champions of the downtrodden, inspired creations, inventive genius, or brilliant scholars.
  • Aquarians top the charts for iconoclasts. Of course, no one has to tell them that. All of them believe, to some extent, that they are so exceptional that are almost a different species.
  • Most Aquarian males have the strong tendency to royally piss off all the women with whom they have been in a relationship. One can never win or be 'right' with them. Although I must say, at times they gracefully pretend to concede which makes them look almost believable. 
  • Their need for unencumbered freedom means the chance of having a defined, traditional relationship with them is about as likely as getting hit by lightning. Whatever relationship you have is a concoction of what they perceive is ideal for their lofty sense of reality. 
  • Aquarian's charismatic sense of humor enables them to deftly smooth ruffled feathers, make mad faces smile, and gives them a powerful weapon especially when dealing with the wrath of the female gender.
  • They skillfully know how to create a hypnotizing reality and are shocked when people question it.  
  • Aquarians frequently mistake themselves for royalty, someone historically important, or people who are so incredibly special that life's silly rules do not apply to them.
  • Aquarians are represented by the "Fool" in Tarot (cards). The Fool is the highest card in Tarot and begins it with the number zero. Zero represents Creator. The Fool is guided by a path no one else can fathom. In Tarot, he represents the summa cum laude of wisdom. He symbolizes the ability to forge one's one destiny by defying the odds and trusting in one's intuition.
  • The best way to get along with an Aquarian is to give them plenty of space, try not to grasp or hold onto their airiness, realize sometimes they do land back on earth, and remind them gently that we are all mere humans. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Remembering the Loves We've Lost

Today is Memorial Day, summer's season of warmth and light.
How contrary a day to recognize those whose shining presence have passed.
Flowers will be brought to the cemetery. Tears will be shed.
Our hearts ache with painful longing. We feel the emotional vacuum left behind.
We will honor those felled by combat as well as those felled by life.

Know our grief is not empty. Know their lives were not in vain.
Their legacy remains in our hearts and memories.
With gratitude, we keep their contributions to us as a perpetual comfort.
In stillness we recognize even their weaknesses gave us strength.
Honoring them is to live life more fully, buoyed by their spirit.

On this day intended to remember lives lost, we also remind ourselves of the love they imparted to us. By releasing our armor and opening our hearts we never lose their presence. 

In recognition of all those who have died, I bless them by reciting the Phowa:

"Through your blessing, grace and guidance,
 through the power of the light that streams from you:

 May all of your negative karma, destructive emotions, obscurations, and 
 blockages be purified and removed.

 May you know yourself forgiven for all the harm you may have thought and done.

 And through the triumph of your death, may you be able to benefit all other   
 beings, living and dead."

Smiles of Summer's First Night

Radiating through violet shadows
resplendent rays of moonlit charm
Smiles of a summer night. -Rajlakshmi

Oh to revel in the arms of one so cherished
Carelessly abandoning reason for tenderness.
Swept away by the preciousness of the moment
Fearlessly diving off the precipice of apprehension.

All considerations, misgivings, and trepidation disappear
Dissolved by an intuitive excitement,  
Enticing and inspiring an organic passion,
Leaving the speechless awestruck.

The smiles of summer's first night
Signals the verdant promise of cultivation.
Melding the heart's desire with mindful intent,
Brilliantly creating a mystical lightness of being.

Oh to revel in a union so pure
Attesting to the benevolent grace
Of a sacred summer smile 
Connecting heart, mind, and soul.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Rest in Peace BB King

Thank you BB King. As a young white child from a very racist community, you were a beacon of light. Listening to your music changed my life. By showering me with your deep heart-drawn blues, you made me realize how powerful music is in combating racism. It also reinforced how wrong racism is, making me a lone child speaking for equality in an unequal world. You sang and played your Lucille with such profound depth, I could not imagine how anyone could not relating to the humanity of your music.

The thrill you gave is gone but we will always remember you as the master of the blues. Thank you for your presence and all the joy you gave us with your music. 

Rest in Peace, BB King, Majesty of the Blues.