Poor Milo Yiannopoulos. As Breitbart’s flamboyant star of conservative hate-spewing discourse, he is now begging for mercy after his provocative interview endorsing illegal sexual activities with minors became widely publicized. Unlike Jerry Sandusky who remains in denial over his abuses, Milo’s defense was that some 13 year olds are more sexually mature, making it consensual versus illegal. His justification came from his own life when he boasted how a priest taught him to perform oral sex well when he was 14 years old. Among his other despicable beliefs is that relationships between adult men and teenage boys can be positive experiences. A particularly disturbing comment was, "Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty." I wonder what Milo's definitions of puberty and sexual maturity are.
Let me enlighten him. From the booklet, "When Males Have Been Sexually Abused As Children":
'What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse is an abuse of power. If someone older, stronger or more experienced coerced you into sexual activity when you were a child or an adolescent, then you were sexually abused. The abuser may have won your trust, and then violated it by abusing you. He or she may have compounded the abuse by forcing you to keep it secret and by making you feel responsible. Sexual abuse doesn’t refer only to sexual touching. If you were forced as a child to watch sexual activity or pornography, this is a form of sexual abuse. If an adult continually invaded your privacy – by watching you shower, or making sexualized comments about your body, this is another form of sexual abuse."
The response to his pederast rhetoric was swift. He was forced out of Breitbart (though his spin is that he resigned), he lost his book deal with Simon and Schuster, and forevermore his name will be linked with his sexual infatuation with boys. But don't count Milo out yet. He is already spinning he is the victim and that his sexual victimization made him utter 'a poor choice of words'. Being a pariah is not as exciting as being a Trump mini me and this will cost him big. My guess is he will hire a crisis team, go into recovery as a sexual abuse victim, have a spiritual awakening renouncing his sincerely deluded predatory inclinations, and desist espousing man boy love as healthy.
One can't help but wonder from the remarks he's made if this is just the tip of the iceberg. We see this with proponents of pederasty-rarely do they talk but not act. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I suspect his kittens may come forward. Stay tuned.
'What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse is an abuse of power. If someone older, stronger or more experienced coerced you into sexual activity when you were a child or an adolescent, then you were sexually abused. The abuser may have won your trust, and then violated it by abusing you. He or she may have compounded the abuse by forcing you to keep it secret and by making you feel responsible. Sexual abuse doesn’t refer only to sexual touching. If you were forced as a child to watch sexual activity or pornography, this is a form of sexual abuse. If an adult continually invaded your privacy – by watching you shower, or making sexualized comments about your body, this is another form of sexual abuse."
The response to his pederast rhetoric was swift. He was forced out of Breitbart (though his spin is that he resigned), he lost his book deal with Simon and Schuster, and forevermore his name will be linked with his sexual infatuation with boys. But don't count Milo out yet. He is already spinning he is the victim and that his sexual victimization made him utter 'a poor choice of words'. Being a pariah is not as exciting as being a Trump mini me and this will cost him big. My guess is he will hire a crisis team, go into recovery as a sexual abuse victim, have a spiritual awakening renouncing his sincerely deluded predatory inclinations, and desist espousing man boy love as healthy.
One can't help but wonder from the remarks he's made if this is just the tip of the iceberg. We see this with proponents of pederasty-rarely do they talk but not act. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I suspect his kittens may come forward. Stay tuned.