Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Trump Cries ‘Witch Hunt’ And The Jokes Just Write Themselves

"President Trump tweeted out several guest segments from various Fox News shows on Tuesday, denying claims his campaign colluded with the Russians.
“WITCH HUNT!” Mr. Trump tweeted.
This was hardly an unusual message for the president. According to the Trump Twitter Archive, he’s tweeted the phrase “witch hunt” 24 times since last January, including three times just this month."

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


'Host dad who took in Florida school shooting suspect: "It's his right" to have an AR-15'-CBS NEWS

Cruz had been living with the Snead family for about three months when the 19-year-old allegedly carried out the deadliest school shooting in Florida history. 
"How many guns did he have?" Blackstone asked.
"I'm not sure. Five or six," James said.
"He was coming into your house and you didn't know how many guns he had?" Blackstone asked.
"I knew he had five or six; I didn't know what kind they were. It didn't matter what kind of guns they were. I have guns. I respect guns as long as they're handled properly, safely. And one of the stipulations before moving in was to have a gun safe before he moved in," James said.
"So you wanted him to have a gun safe, but you didn't know how many guns or what kind of guns they were that he would be putting in the safe?" Blackstone said.
"I knew he had hunting rifles," James responded.
"You thought they were just hunting rifles?" Blackstone asked.
"I knew he had [an] assault rifle, but I knew he used it out hunting," James said.
"That seemed a reasonable thing," Blackstone said.
"It's his right to own a gun," James responded.
"You thought it was fine for a 19-year-old to have an AR-15?" Blackstone asked.
"It's his right to have it," James said.
"Do you feel any differently about that now?" Blackstone asked.
"No. Nope," James said.
According to a Florida Department of Children and Families, Cruz suffered from depression, ADHD and autism. Between 2011 and 2016, Broward County sheriff deputies were called to Cruz's mother's home 39 times, several of them allegedly due to Cruz's violent outbursts. -CBS NEWS

Where have we heard these stories before of parents or guardians of mentally disturbed teens being given or allowed possession of guns? Here's the list from Wikipedia:

Columbine-Where were Harris and Klebold's parents all this time? They have never spoken publicly about Columbine, but in police interviews they said they had no idea about the arsenal of weapons their sons were amassing in their bedrooms - including knives, guns, cans full of gunpowder, coils of bomb fuse, and bombs - more than 100 of them, including pipe bombs, propane bombs and homemade grenades.

Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting occurred in Marysville, Washington, on October 24, 2014, when 15-year-old freshman student Jaylen Fryberg shot five other students at Marysville Pilchuck High School, fatally wounding four, before fatally shooting himself. Fryberg's father, Raymond Fryberg, was arrested and convicted the following year for illegally purchasing and owning the gun used in the shooting, among other firearms.

he Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012. Adam Peter Lanza (April 22, 1992 – December 14, 2012) and his mother lived in Sandy Hook, 5 miles (8 km) from the elementary school. He did not have a criminal record. He had access to guns through his mother, Nancy Lanza, who was described as a "gun enthusiast who owned at least a dozen firearms".Nancy often took her two sons to a local shooting range, where they learned to shoot. Lanza's father said he does not believe his ex-wife Nancy Lanza feared her son Adam. She did not confide any fear of Adam to her sister or to her best friend; she slept with her bedroom door unlocked and she kept guns in the house where she lived with Adam.

The Red Lake shootings were a series of spree killings that occurred on March 21, 2005 in two places on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Red Lake, MinnesotaThe day of the shootings, Weise retrieved a Ruger MK II .22 caliber pistol from his bedroom and fatally shot his grandfather as he was sleeping; he shot him two times in the head and ten times in the chest. According to Weise's friends, the teenager may have had the gun for as long as a year. He took Lussier's two police-issue weapons, a .40 caliber Glock 23 pistol and a Remington 870 12 gauge pump-actionshotgun, a gunbelt and a bullet-proof vest. He began shooting into an English classroom, killing three students and one teacher, and wounding three students. Ashley Lajeunesse said that Chase Lussier (no direct relation to Daryl Lussier) sheltered her, and was one of those shot by Weise. Jeffrey May, a 16-year-old sophomore, tried to wrestle Weise inside the classroom, and stabbed him in the stomach with a pencil. His diversion allowed students to flee the classroom to safety, but Weise shot May two times in the neck and once in the jaw, leaving him seriously injured.

On May 20, 1998, 15-year-old Kinkel was suspended pending an expulsion hearing from Thurston High School in SpringfieldOregon, for being in possession of a loaded, stolen handgun. TheThurston High School shooting took place on May 21, 1998. A friend of Kinkel's had stolen a pistol from the father of one of his friends and arranged to sell the weapon to Kinkel the night before. Kinkel paid $110 for the Beretta Model 90 .32-caliber pistol loaded with a 9-round magazine, which he then placed in a paper bag and left in his locker. Kinkel retrieved his Ruger .22-caliber semi-automatic rifle from his bedroom and ammunition from his parents' bedroom. He then went to the kitchen and shot his father once in the back of the head, then dragged his body into the bathroom and covered it with a sheet. Kinkel further stated that his mother arrived home at about 6:30 p.m., and that he met her in the garage, told her he loved her, then shot her twice in the back of the head, three times in the face, and once in the heart. He then dragged her body across the floor and covered it with a sheet. Kinkel parked on North 61st Street, two blocks from the school, then jogged to the campus, entered the patio area and fired two shots, one fatally wounding Ben Walker and the other wounding Ryan Atteberry. He went to the cafeteria and, walking across it, fired the remaining 48 rounds from his rifle, wounding 24 students[5] and fatally wounding 17-year-old Mikael Nickolauson. Kinkel fired a total of 50 rounds, hitting with 37 of those, and killing two.

Charles Andrew "Andy" Williams (born February 8, 1986) is a convicted murderer who, as a 15-year-old, perpetrated the shooting at Santana High School on March 5, 2001. In the shooting, two students were killed and 13 others were wounded. On Monday, March 5, 2001 at 9:20 a.m., 15-year-old Williams entered a boys' bathroom at Santana High School with a loaded .22-caliber revolver taken from his father’s locked gun cabinet and fatally shot a freshman. He then left the bathroom and began firing the revolver indiscriminately at other students, killing another. According to one witness, Williams repeatedly walked out of the bathroom, fired shots, then went back into the bathroom.

Monday, February 5, 2018


My favorite prosperity affirmations from Catherine Ponder's excellent book, "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity":

-I am an irresistible magnet with the power to attract unto myself everything I divinely desire.

-I release, loose, and let go.

-I am now open, receptive, and obedient to life's rich instructions and guidance.

-All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free, and endless bounty now comes to me.

-The divine plan of my life unfolds step by step. I happily recognize each phase of it, accept it in my present and future, and let it show me how to make the best of my life.

-Nobody or no set of circumstances can keep my God-given good away from me and I rejoice in this knowledge.

-Every day in every way I am becoming financial independent.

-Regardless of taxes, the cost of living or the rate of unemployment, my income can and does increase richly.

-Divine intuition is now working through me and in me , in and through all concerned, producing easily and quickly the perfect outcome and the perfect result.

-Rich, divine ideas now come to me and I am in all ways abundantly guided, prospered and blessed.

-I give thanks for that the divine solution quickly appears.

-Everything and everyone prospers me now and I prosper everyone and everything.

-I am persistent and I go forward. I am not on the way out-I am on the way up.