My favorite prosperity affirmations from Catherine Ponder's excellent book, "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity":
-I am an irresistible magnet with the power to attract unto myself everything I divinely desire.
-I release, loose, and let go.
-I am now open, receptive, and obedient to life's rich instructions and guidance.
-All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free, and endless bounty now comes to me.
-The divine plan of my life unfolds step by step. I happily recognize each phase of it, accept it in my present and future, and let it show me how to make the best of my life.
-Nobody or no set of circumstances can keep my God-given good away from me and I rejoice in this knowledge.
-Every day in every way I am becoming financial independent.
-Regardless of taxes, the cost of living or the rate of unemployment, my income can and does increase richly.
-Divine intuition is now working through me and in me , in and through all concerned, producing easily and quickly the perfect outcome and the perfect result.
-Rich, divine ideas now come to me and I am in all ways abundantly guided, prospered and blessed.
-I give thanks for that the divine solution quickly appears.
-Everything and everyone prospers me now and I prosper everyone and everything.
-I am persistent and I go forward. I am not on the way out-I am on the way up.