Friday, June 22, 2018


This is the message, hidden or not, FLOTUS just gave to thousands of children incarcerated who are separated from their mothers:

This is why we care, Melania:

"In the first few days after separation, the children are expected to protest by crying and acting out in ways that 
reflect a desperate effort to secure the return of their
parents. Within a few weeks, they appear to lapse into 
despair, seemingly without hope for a returning parent. 
They show little energy or motivation to play and explore.
After less than a month or so, Bowlby observed that the children “seem detached,” Van IJzendoorn said. If the parents return, the children seem aloof and avoid the parents’ efforts to comfort and cuddle.
“It might take some months of careful, sensitive interactions to repair the damage done to the attachment relationship of the child,” Van IJzendoorn said. “The parents have failed the child, and he or she has lost trust in his or her attachment figures, and the wider social world seems hostile. … Their basic trust has been damaged.” 

Sunday, June 17, 2018


"WASHINGTON ― Attorney General Jeff Sessions seems

to think Jesus would love his policy of separating immigrant
families at the border.
Christian leaders say otherwise.
“While protecting our borders is important, we can and must do
better as a government, and as a society, to find other ways to
ensure that safety,” Cardinal Daniel Nicholas DiNardo, president
of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said in a statement.
Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is
immoral.”- cnn news

Mr.Trump can blame the Democrats and Mr. Sessions can justify his deplorable
detainment by quoting the Bible but separating immigrant children from their 
families is just plain immoral. The stories of bereft toddlers crying inconsolably 
for their mothers, children horribly frightened with separation anxiety,
and babies being taken from their mothers while nursing, are
institutional child abuse. Below is the same reaction from
The American Academy of Pediatrics:

"In a newly released policy statement, the Academy urges that
immigrant and refugee children be treated with dignity and
respect, with care that supports their health and well-being.
Amid turmoil caused by new federal executive orders targeting
immigrants and refugees and calling for vast expansions to the 
detention of immigrants, the American Academy of Pediatrics has 
called for the U.S. government to protect vulnerable children who
are fleeing violence and poverty from being traumatized.

Immigrant children seeking safe haven in the United States should
never be placed in detention facilities, regardless of whether they 
arrive alone or are accompanied by an adult, according to a new
policy statement published by the American Academy of 
Pediatrics (AAP). Children should never be separated from their
families, according to the statement.

The policy statement recommends that immigrant children be treated 
with dignity and respect, and urges that they not be exposed to 
conditions that may further harm or traumatize them. The statement,
"Detention of Immigrant Children," to be published in the April 2017
issue of Pediatrics (online March 13) reports that the Department of 
Homeland Security facilities for temporary housing of immigrants do 
not meet basic standards regarding the care of children in residential 

"Many of the immigrant children arriving to this country from our 
southern border are victims of unspeakable violence, persecution,
and abject poverty," said Fernando Stein, MD, FAAP, president of
 the AAP. 
"From the moment they are placed in U.S. custody, they deserve
a warm, safe and nurturing environment. They should receive
health care that meets basic standards."

The AAP policy statement, "Detention of Immigrant Children," is
being published at a time of increased fear, anxiety, and uncertainty
among immigrant families. The AAP opposes the recent call for major 
expansions in family detention, among other actions, that have been
included in Executive Orders signed by President Trump. 

"We are hearing reports about children who have been detained, even
for a short time, who are showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress
disorder, anxiety, depression and behavioral problems," said Marsha 
Griffin, MD, FAAP, co-author of the policy statement and co-chair of the 
AAP Immigrant Health Special Interest Group. "There is no evidence 
that spending any time in detention is safe for children. Parents, too, 
may be traumatized by the isolating conditions, making it difficult for 
them to respond to their children's needs." 
-The American Academy of Pediatrics

I urge everyone to join me by emailing the President to protest this
incredibly inhumane and abusive treatment of immigrant children.