Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Sorry Kevin Spacey, You Are Not Absolved of Sexual Predation

"The first accusation of sexual misconduct against Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey landed on Oct. 29, and a little more than a week later more than a dozen men —  including five who said they were teens at the time — have come forward to allege he sexually harassed, assaulted or attempted to rape them."
-USA Today 

On Christmas Eve, Kevin Spacey launched a bizarre video defending his behavior while trying to resurrect his dead in the water career. It can be seen at:

Here is the best review of Mr. Spacey's pathetic attempt to rally public support:
Let Me Be Frank,” the video is tellingly titled after Spacey’s House of Cards character. And just like the eponymous track of another Frank (Sinatra), this insane video is Spacey’s version of “My Way.”
Any bit of oxygen in a room which Spacey is inhabiting must be his to own, you sense. He has now made himself the victim of events, just like so many accused men do, particularly ones likely surrounded by sycophantic flunkies and friends. It’s amazing how much blind self-affirmation and craven self-denial money can buy you.
...And today, Spacey chose to collide events yet again. He released the video on the same day prosecutors confirmed that Spacey was facing a charge for indecent assault and battery on a teenager at a Nantucket bar in July 2016. Spacey will be arraigned at Nantucket District Court on Jan. 7.
Last year, former news anchor Heather Unruh stated that the assault had happened to her son at a Nantucket bar. Her son was, said Unruh, a “star-struck, straight, 18-year-old young man who had no idea that the famous actor was an alleged sexual predator, or that he was about to become his next victim.”
As The Hollywood Reporter made clear, Spacey is still under investigation in Los Angeles and London, England, for other alleged sexual assaults.
Instead of a shred of atonement, explanation, or even reflection, in the video the tone Spacey essentially goes for is “I’m back, bitches.” (I’m no lawyer, but going full Frank Underwood-meets-Margo Channing in court, if that is now his plan, is a terrible real-world move.)"-Daily Beast

It does not matter what one's gender, sexual affiliation, religion, or political party is. Sexual predation is sexual predation. No one, even Kevin Spacey or Frank Underwood, is above the law. 

Friday, December 21, 2018

Putin's Christmas Gift List to Trump

1. Shut down the US government.
2. Get General Mattis to resign.
3. Pull US troops out of Syria.
4. Start building Trump Tower Moscow.
5. Pardon all the Russians involved in Mueller 
    'witch hunt'.
6. Refer to the Ukraine as a Russian suburb.
7. How about a Mar-a-Lago vacation together?
8. Lock up Hillary Clinton.
9. Eliminate Russian sanctions.
10. Make Ivanka the Russian ambassador. 

Friday, December 14, 2018


FROM CNN: 'Jacob Walter Anderson was facing four charges of sexυal assault that were dismissed because a plea bargain was reached on Dec. 10. As a result, instead of a trial, Anderson pleaded no contest to unlawful restraint and received a sentence that includes a $400 fine, a three-year probation, mandatory counseling and community service hours. He will also not serve any jail time nor have to register as a seχ offender.'

As women are slammed for activism against sexual harassment and assault, we have a perfect example of why women are supportive of the 'me, too' and 'Time's Up' movements. Just like Brock Turner, Jacob Walter Anderson received a slap on the wrist for a horrendous rape. Women know this story well-we all know women who have endured sexual assault and keep silent. 

The courageous victim in this case did not keep silent. She clearly articulated in her victim impact statement to the court, exactly how Jacob Walter Anderson raped and humiliated her. He is now free. She will spend her life trying to cope with the sexual assault. 

Below is the victim's statement to the court. WARNING: her description of what she endured is sexually graphic.

"Judge Strother,
I am devastated by your decision to let my rapist Jacob Walter Anderson go free without any punishment. Rape is a violent crime that alters the victim’s life and the life of everyone around them forever. He stole many things from me the night he raped me. I will never be the same again.
On February 21, 2016, when I was a 19 years old, sophomore at Baylor University, Jacob Walter  Anderson took me to a secluded area behind a tent and proceeded to violently and repeatedly rape me. He repeatedly raped me orally and vaginally while choking me, gagging me, and physically forcing my body into positions so he could continue to rape me. I had no control over my body and no way to stop him. (please see my original written police statement) When I collapsed on the ground he pulled down his pants and shoved his penis in my mouth and down my throat gagging me. When he forcefully picked me up and shoved me into a wall to rape me vaginally from behind he calmly and coldly said “It’s fine. You’re fine.” When I tried to pull up my pants or sit he shoved me to the ground and shoved his penis back down my throat and continued to choke me. When he forced me up again and started to rape me vaginally again I blacked out permanently. When I was completely unconscious, he dumped me face down in the dirt and left me there to die. He had taken what he wanted, had proven his power over my body. He then walked home and went to bed without a second thought to the ravaged, half-dead woman he had left behind.
Jacob Anderson will most likely rape again. He is now free to roam society, stalk women and no one will know he is a seχ offender.
Jacob Anderson and all rapists who get away with their crimes will never be cured, never change. If anything, they will be emboldened by their power over women and their ability to escape justice and punishment. They will think they are invincible and most definitely increase their violent pathological and predatory behavior.
Everyone knows Jacob Anderson violently raped me repeatedly and almost killed me. The evidence is overwhelming. Now, I not only have to live with his rape and the repercussions of the rape. I have to live with the knowledge that the Mclennan County justice system is severely broken. I have to live with the fact that after all these years and everything I have suffered, no justice was achieved. I have to live with the fact that my rapist will go home smiling and happy and laughing at me. He stole my body, νirginity and power over my body and you let him keep it for all eternity.
Hilary Laborde—where are you Ms. Laborde? Are you here in the courtroom? No? And you, Abel Reyna—where are you? Are you here? No? If I had the courage to come back to Waco and face my rapist and testify, you could at least have had enough respect for me to show up today. You both will have to live with this decision to let a rapist run free in society without any warning to future victims. I wonder if you will have nightmares every night watching Jacob rape me over and again. Of my body lying unconscious and alone in the dirt waiting to die. Of my face transforming in your nightmares into someone you love. Your mother, your daughter, your niece, your granddaughter, your best friend, your wife, your girlfriend.
Jacob Walter Anderson. It must be horrible to be you. To know what you did to me. To know you are a rapist. To know that you almost killed me. To know that you ruined my life, stole my νirginity and stole many other things from me.
I would have loved to have stayed at Baylor. Laughed and made memories with my friends. Learned from my professors. Run in the Baylor line one final time my senior year and walked in my graduation ceremony in my cap and gown with my family proudly cheering me on. I would love to be living away from home pursuing my career the way I had planned. Not be on medication. Not be getting therapy. Not be in and out of the doctor’s office. Not having nightmares. Not be triggered daily into anxiety. Not be fearful. Not be sad. Not be afraid of every man that looks at me or thinks I’m nice and just wants to meet me and get to know me. To be happy and carefree and enjoy daily life. I am none of these things because you raped me and almost killed me and stole them all from me.
To the two women who created the petition of outrage over this plea, I thank you. To the over 85,000 people around the world who signed the petition to deny this plea, I thank you! To all my friends and family, doctor, teachers, and lawyers who believed in me and stuck with me over the past three years, I thank you. You held me up and kept me strong. To my parents and siblings, thank you. I would not be alive without you. You kept me going when I could no longer handle living. It’s been a very difficult three years. It will continue to be rough for a very long time. I know it has impacted all of you and yet you never left my side. You never stopped loving me. You never stopped protecting me. You never stopped fighting for me and you never left. You never left.

Thank you."

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Rest in Peace Mr. Khashoggi, along with all your fellow journalists who lost their lives persevering for the truth. And to those living journalists who daily risk condemnation, threats, torture, and death, we salute your courage. Let us never forget your contributions to a free and transparent democracy. Thank you for upholding the First Amendment.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Presidential Harassment Joins the 'Me, too" Movement

After reading today that Mr. Trump invented a new form of harassment, presidential harassment, I quickly jotted the following communique to him. If you would like to add your opinion, please feel free to contact him at:

'Sorry, but there is no "me, too" movement for presidential harassment. You are supposed to have intestinal fortitude to handle the responsibilities of your office instead of whimpering about being the legitimate target of several judiciary probes. Your self-inflicted political wounds do not make you a victim; it makes you accountable for all the corrupt appointments, executive orders, and schemes you initiated to fatten your coffers. Mr. Mueller is about ready to come for you and your crooked family.  Get ready to reboot Nixon's, "I am not a crook" speech.'