Tuesday, July 30, 2024



A warning to JD Vance: don't try to grab her by the pussy.

Another childless cat lady who rocks more than JD Vance.

It starts with a sofa and progresses to other furniture.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Is Not Being Said About Trump's Assassination Attempt


Like Rasputin, Trump has an uncanny ability to survive what would kill most people. This enables his zealous followers to see him as endowed with indestructibility. As he evades the legal, moral, and ethical consequences for his actions, he becomes more dangerous. Listen to his language: he cannot speak without weaving his personal martyrdom into center stage. He spouts a litany of vitriol in every sound bite, rally, and interview. Too bad he's not Catholic; he could be the patron saint of unrelenting rage. 

I find it ironic that an anti-gun control president (who can't legally own a gun due to his felony), almost got killed by a 20-yr-old, registered Republican. When news came down about the assassination attempt, most people are not surprised that Trump has amassed a huge number of enemies all around the world (i.e., Iran, Syria, Gaza, Canada, Panama, Mexico) let alone within the federal government. Trump seems oblivious to the fact that millions of people view him as truly evil. Because he arouses a lethal kind of capitalism contempt, he fuels desperate people to do desperate acts. Think about that 20-yr-old outsmarting the Secret Service.

Surprised? This is what happens when extremism takes power. I was warned about extremism by the Eastern European community I was raised in. It begins with blame, fierce nationalism, and retribution and ends up with internment camps, deportment, and/or execution. 

People from Poland and Hungary have told me how the abatement of human rights happens slowly. The MAGA people don't seem to understand this established history or unwilling to confront their denial. As they seek to make America back into a white Christian nation, devoid of diversity and equality, they have wittingly resurrected Hitler's ideology. Sorry MAGA, the opposite of being 'woke' is being asleep and lacking insight. 

For years we have been waiting to see justice for all the politically dangerous and illegal things Trump has done. Frustrated by how he's been able to circumvent any legal consequences (especially for the insurrection), I understand why his assassination attempt happened. Trump and his MAGA followers espouse the elimination of basic rights for women/gays/and minorities, immigrants, foreigners, and anyone who is not a white Christian evangelical. No person is above the law seems like a joke.

Watching the GOP pander to the right-wing extremism promotes a deep-seated fear of the future. This is a scary time which leads people to take extreme action. People are so frightened by Trump's extremist agenda that they are willing to rise up and rebel. However, this also becomes fertile ground for counter extreme options. The left is not immune to violence. Though I do not condone violence, I am able to understand the desperation which drives people to commit suicidal destructive acts of violence. 

There can be no peace without justice.