Tuesday, July 30, 2024



A warning to JD Vance: don't try to grab her by the pussy.

Another childless cat lady who rocks more than JD Vance.

It starts with a sofa and progresses to other furniture.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Last Glass Ceiling : It's Time To Elect A Woman President


Why is it time?

We are still a country governed by old white (mostly Christian) men. This is not the demographic of the USA. Women, who are largely ignored by these old white men, are silently sick and tired of these men taking away our reproductive freedom. We may not speak up, challenge the MAGA idiots, or wear our political inclinations on our sleeves, but we are a powerful voting bloc. Don't underestimate us.

Just days into her campaign, she has energized voters by loudly and passionately saying we are not going to stand the GOP bulldozing agenda anymore. Women like her kick ass.

She is a highly competent attorney, former Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President. Suck it, JD Vance.

At this critical juncture, women especially need to decide if we're going to continue to break glass ceilings or don the right-wing Handmade Tale's uniform. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How Trump is Using Democracy to Take Power

 From Time magazine, the blueprint Trump and his maggots are using to seize power. Here's where the GOP got their ideas for the 2025 Project.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why I Won't Support Biden for President

 Anyone who has taken care of a Parkinson's patient recognizes the symptoms in others: mask-like face, stiff unstable gait, uncontrollable hand tremor, an almost inaudibly soft voice, and Lewy Body dementia. The dementia that usually accompanies Parkinson's is slow to manifest, unpredictable in how it affects functioning, and easily dismissed as old age. For the patient experiencing Parkinson's, their dementia is difficult to admit because they continue to exhibit periods where they appear cogent and articulate. Management of these patients is a nightmare, as they frequently deny their cognitive and functional problems.

Take a look at Biden. Notice his increasingly soft imperceptible voice, mask-like face, stiff gait, and frequent verbal gaffes. For example, he has called Kamala Harris 'Vice President Trump' and referred to Zelensky as 'President Putin'. He cannot do an interview, rally, or TV appearance without making major blunders. Furthermore, a Parkinson's physician has visited the White House eight times this year. The President and White House spin on all of this is to minimize (deny) his cognitive and physical problems. What more do we need to know before demanding he be removed from the ticket? 

The President and White House are in denial, but I am not. My grandfather, father, and brother all had been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I know how this disease begins, how it progresses, and how it ends. 

 I urge everyone to write the White House and demand Biden step down. He does not have the cognitive and physical ability to handle another four years. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Aileen Cannon's Quid Pro Quo With Trump

 News just broke about judge Cannon's dismissal of the classified documents case against Trump. Watching her actions to thwart his prosecution one can only arrive at the conclusion that she is bucking for a Supreme Court seat if he Trump wins. One suspects she was already paid off by the RNC, GOP, and Trump team to arrive at her misguided and wrong conclusion. So, what these Trump-backed judges are saying is, it's okay to break federal law as long as your Trump. It's okay to be a rapist, steal national secrets, commit an insurrection, and continue to enable a maniacal man bent of revenge as he dismantles democracy. And MAGA wonders why we hate Trump.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Is Not Being Said About Trump's Assassination Attempt


Like Rasputin, Trump has an uncanny ability to survive what would kill most people. That has given him and his followers to see himself as indestructible. As he evades legal, moral, and ethical consequences for his actions as a rapist, felon, fraudster, and thief of classified documents, he becomes more dangerous. He spouts a litany of vitriol in every sound bite, rally, and interview. After January 6th, is it any wonder why anyone would want to assassinate him? I find it humorously ironic that an anti-gun control presidential candidate (who can't own a gun due to his felony), almost got killed by a registered Republican assassin. 

When news came down about the assassination attempt, most non-MAGA people I know muttered beneath their breath, 'too bad he missed'. Of course, few would admit to such a horrid thought, but those of us who see Trump as truly evil know he arouses a 'death to Trump' kind of contempt. We all secretly hope the next attempt is successful, or at least that one of his virulent rage spirals finally culminates in death by a major stroke. 

Surprised? This is what happens when fascism takes over. I was warned about fascism by the Eastern European community I was raised in. It starts with unbridled populism scapegoating anyone they deem as unacceptable. People from Poland and Hungary have told me how the abatement of human rights happens slowly. It starts with impassioned speeches decrying vermin and ends up with interment camps and deportment. The MAGA people don't seem to understand this established history or unwilling to confront their denial. As they seek to make America back into a white Christian nation, they have resurrected Hitler's ideology. The opposite of being 'woke' is being asleep. 

For years we have been waiting to see justice for all the politically dangerous and illegal things he's done. Frustrated by how he's been able to circumvent any legal consequences (especially for the insurrection), I understand how this assassination attempt happened. Trump and his lily-white maggots (my term for his MAGA followers who feast on death) espouse the elimination of basic rights for women/gays/and minorities, anyone who is not a Christian evangelical, and those of us who depend on Social Security and Medicare. 

Watching the GOP pander to the right-wing nut cases promotes a deep-seated fear of the future. This is a scary time which leads people taking extreme action. It is easy to see why people get so frightened by Trump's fascist agenda that they take matters into their own hands. To make matters worse, Trump is being shielded for any responsibility for his crimes by the Supreme Court and his handpicked judges like Aileen Cannon. I am not advocating assassination but am able to understand what leads to it. Fasten your seat belts, the end of democracy is being sanctioned by the GOP.

There can be no peace without justice.