Monday, April 21, 2014

Rage and the Stages of Forgiveness

        Forgiveness is a loaded word bogged down by actions most of us deem unacceptable. We equate forgiveness with letting someone off the hook, releasing the perpetrator from culpability, forgetting the pain they inflicted, feeling the offender has not been punished as much as we have, and so on. If I forgive my ex-husband for the years of hell he put me through by financially bankrupting me, he gets off scot free. That does not seem fair. But this is not about forgiveness, it is about being stuck in rage.
       “Untransformed rage can become a constant mantra about how oppressed, hurt, and tortured we were.  …Rage corrodes our trust that anything good can occur. Something has happened to hope. And behind the loss of hope is usually anger; behind anger, pain; behind pain, usually torture of one sort or another, sometimes recent, but more often from long ago.” –Clarissa Pinkola Estes
       What does Jungian therapist, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, recommend for handling rage:
·         Patience; recognize it; transform the fire into right action
·         Use anger as a creative force; bless it
·         Seek calm and the inner healer; contain it
·         Make a connection with a higher power
·         Forgiveness; release it
     How does one forgive? By the stages of forgiveness.
·         To forego-to leave it alone
·         To forebear-to abstain from punishing
·         To forget-to aver from memory, to refuse to dwell
·         To forgive-to abandon the debt.
      Easier said than done. The biggest impediment to letting go: “If I lose my rage, I will be changed; I will be weaker. (The first premise is correct, but the conclusion is inaccurate.)” -Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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