Thursday, April 27, 2017


No one ever imagined a 100 day nightmare like the one we are being tormented by from Swamp King Trump and his kingdom of marsh-infested transgressors. In just over three months he has managed to create more ethical, political, and constitutional crises than any of his predecessors combined. Here is the short list of his 100 day swamp agenda:
-Nominated the longest list of cabinet hopefuls with strong ties to Russia, oil, and business interests which conflict with existing Federal law but certainly line their pockets with shady business contracts. 
-Refuses to release his tax returns which would most likely show conflicts of interest.
-Is representing Mar A Lago as the southern White House ethically causing huge overrun costs entertaining and playing golf.
-Lies consistently about everything from his inauguration numbers to Paul Manafort.
-Is a misogynist who never did apologize for his past assaultive and predatory behavior with women. Works hard against women's rights and healthcare.
-His failed diplomacy with our allies-hanging up on them and acting like a bully instead of a leader. In 100 days he has alienated us from most of our former allies.
-Believes purging our country of immigrants looking for sanctuary like Hitler did with the Jews. 
-Has unofficially moved his daughter and son-in-law in the White House as 'special assistants' (aka nepotism), giving them responsibilities outside the scope of their competence.
-Is setting us up for a nuclear encounter with North Korea.
-Sees himself as invincible, believes he is above the law, and threatens to dismantle our legislative and executive branches to get what he wants.
-Tweets like an ADD adolescent on cocaine with the coherency to match.
-Believes the US is the center of the universe and this gives us sovereignty to do whatever we want to the environment to enlarge the fortunes of his cabinet and donor friends.
-Denies climate change, science, and the need for tolerance. Is giving Pol Pot competition as the most anti-intellectual despot the world has ever had.
-Thinks alternative facts are not lies or delusions.
-Spins more stories through Sean Spicer than Rumpelstiltskin spins gold.

The silent majority who are supporting him are even scarier. For a student of history, all one has to do is read about what led to the rise of Hitler to see the similarities. Trump supporters actually believe Trump's actions are making America Great Again. I wonder what the Germans who supported Hitler now think of themselves.

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