Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Linguist's Guide to Covfefe

Possible definitions of covfefe:

Covfefe:  pejorative presidential slang for intelligent wordsmith fu**#rs.

Covfefe: confused, as in demonstrating the inability to spell properly.

Covfefe: to huddle in amazement at the decline of proper grammar.

Covfefe: a specific form of aphasia indicating cerebral damage to the Broca area of the brain.

Covfefe: a major block in the 5th and 6th chakras.

Covfefe: a neologism expressed in an inexplicable message.

Covfefe: another gaffe Sean Spicer has to explain.

Covfefe: a joke lost on its obtunded subject.

Covfefe: a party celebrating the ability to irritate the snot out of the head of state.

Covfefe: a contrived tweet written by witless, angry, and sleepless egomaniac.

Covfefe: psychobabble for someone losing control.

Covfefe: dysgraphia mainly caused by small hands and an even smaller mind.