When you find yourself alone in the shadows
Void of peace and tricked by deceit,
Know that light flushes out the dark
And there's a light deep within your heart
If you find yourself in a crowd blind of clear sights,
Remove yourself from their company, and find some light
It will always be darkest before dawn
So prepare yourself a light
Because darkness will surely come
For shadow shrouds over everyone and everything,
Never are you alone when the night comes to cling
We all share the same sun and the same moon
But with life comes fire, let us use it to banish the present gloom
Together, when we all contribute to the fire
We can create warmth and huddle around the campfire
Until this present darkness expires
Some may be lost within the pitch black, and absent day
Some may even run wild in search of prey
But know this..
Within your heart can start a spark,
The smallest fire can give birth to soaring flames
So bright you might even forget the darkness even came
The light shall overcome the night, breaching through the skies
So hold fast to your light, whatever it may be
A candle, a torch, a lantern, or even the full moon shining across the seas -Justin Worthy