Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trump Suggests "Nuclear Option" If Stalemate Goes On

When in doubt, nuke them out. 
What are some other potential targets for a 'nuclear option' besides your Congressional opponents?: 
-Kim Jong Un (your biggest competition for weird hair and button pushing), 
-the Press (except Breitbart and Fox News), 
-the Democrats (whose chances of winning in 2018 are boosted daily by your 
-Immigrants (except from Norway),
-Native Americans (and their supporters, including Pocahontas, who continue to protest building of the pipeline).
-Robert Mueller (and all your former administration buddies testifying against you),
-Michael Wolff (for revealing what we all suspected),
-Hilary Clinton ('crooked' but still polling as more popular than Melania),
-Barack Obama (voted this year as the most admired man in America),
-Jeff Flake (for accurately comparing you to Stalin)
-women who are not into pussy grabbing, have marched against your misogynist rhetoric, & are the unified unrecognized voting block largely underestimated by you. 
-all the people who did not show up at your inauguration,
-everyone who does not believe you are a stable genius,
-Stormy Daniels (confirming why Melania looks catatonic & acts pissed),
-Climate Change Scientists (because they know how to read, write, and publish),
-#Me, too (because they stole your Time's 'Person of the Year Award'),
-The CDC (for using words like fetus, diversity, vulnerable, entitlement, transgender,
  science-based, and evidence-based),
-people of color (what part of diversity don't you get is a no-no word),
-all 'shithole' countries (aka, countries that are not predominantly white),
-Puerto Rico (because they can't vote in a presidential election & are one of the countries you referred to above),
-John McCain (an old regal GOP thorn is still a looming thorn),
-lesbians, gays, transgenders and anyone else deemed as 'different',
-every American who can't their afford basic medical care (too bad euthanasia can't 
 be executive ordered),
-our military veterans injured in war enduring long wait times for benefits, delayed  medical treatment deemed too costly, and denied adequate physical, psychological, and vocational rehabilitation.
-those of us who refuse to remain silent.

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