Karma is a witch hunt-too bad you happen to be the witch.
Today a subpoena on steroids issued by the Justice Department authorizing the FBI to raid the President's personal attorney's office. Co-witch, Michael Cohen, must have been shocked as hell to have his hubris shattered by the very laws he tried to circumvent. One does not have to be a psychic to know it was only going to be a matter of time before the Trump and Cohen reality show was headed for the precipice. Both have made damaging admissions: Cohen admitted he paid $130,000 of his own money to protect Trump from having his affair with Stormy Daniels quashed right before the election and Trump told the press he had no knowledge of his lawyer doing this. Riddle me this, Trumpman: how can your lawyer to draw up an agreement paying off a porn star you had sex with and not know he was doing this on your behalf? And he thinks the Justice Department is disgraceful?
Mr. Trump, take a lesson from Tricky Dick. Remember Watergate? No one is above the law, not even you. You may try to convince your constituency that this is 'a witch hunt' but the findings of fact and conclusions of law speak for themselves. Your handpicked team of Republicans at different levels of the Justice Department who issued the subpoena to raid Mr. Cohen's office, home, and hotel know the rule of law. Can you spell obstruction of justice and bank fraud? Go ahead and fire Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, and Richard Berman. You'll set up a constitutional crisis and end up being 'fired'. Only this time it will be played out in the justice system instead of by tweet.
Trump's reality show cannot last long. His administration is a litany of scandals, his corrupt administration is littered with chaotic firings, and his constant whining how Obama and Hilary are to blame for his woes only makes him look like an impotent has been reality star. Maybe he needs to recall all of those troops he sent to the border to protect him.
None of my friends who voted for Mr. Trump can't defend his actions. They cannot explain his numerous adulterous affairs, how his administration is embroiled in scandal after scandal, and why he cannot rule without chaos. For God's sake, he can't even name the building he lives in as the White House. He is an embarrassment to our nation and is making us the butt of jokes around the world. My friends who voted for Trump may have disliked President Obama, but at least he didn't put us through this garbage.
Watching Trump unhinged is like watching an alcoholic go through DTs. Just like any practicing alcoholic, we know they are few outcomes. Either he will go into recovery (unlikely), be hospitalized (this may happen given his stress levels producing a heart attach or stroke) go to jail (doubt that a sitting President would be imprisoned), or die (also known as impeachment). We do know that denial is always shattered by reality.
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