Get set for the bull in the china shop New Moon on May 15th. The New Moon in Taurus the bull will be a jam packed with intense astrological action. This New Moon and Uranus (the planet of awakenings, profound change, and innovation) will joins hands with the New Moon's earthbound transit on the same day. In conjunction with the New Moon entering Uranus, the fire sign Aries exits Uranus, leaving us one last conflagration to extinguish. No matter what sign you are, expect this lunation to pack a wallop.
What can be expected by this folie a deux? The New Moon sets intentions, as in New Moons sweep clean. Down what path are we headed? Do we venture forth fearlessly or change direction? What has hypnotized us into believing this reality cannot be changed? At this transitory time, it is especially important to wake up to whatever may be provoking an Aries firestorm. What is needed to douse the embers preventing us from visualizing and actualizing new growth? What is or has been planted that needs nourishment?
Taurus is a spring sign-a season of growth. We are reminded that the harshness of winter gives way to the glory of spring's colorful floral bouquets. Life emerges bringing more sun and warmth. But it is also the season of tornadoes, floods, and storms. When irresistible Uranus meets the unmovable New Moon on May 15th, we experience where we are royally stuck. Of course, if we can channel being flexible versus being rigidly fixed (or 'stubborn as a bull') we may begin to see some movement. Being grounded does not mean we do not appreciate the interdependence of the other elements which allow us to blossom.
As an earth sign, Taurus is associated with beauty, appreciation of art, and the love of nature, and productivity. Moving from a fiery sign of Aries to a security-backed fixed sign like Taurus is never easy. With two celestial bodies transiting into Taurus, expect tremors, earthquakes, and volcanoes to capture our internal and external attention. Kilauea is a perfect symbol of Aries moving out of Uranus into Taurus. Nature fighting back is exemplified by Taurus in Uranus exhibiting its bullish unstoppable energy. Whereas Aries in Uranus gave us the fire to move forward (and also a tremendous rise in wildfires), Taurus moving into Uranus gives us the ground for a plan to forge ahead-and aren't all plans shaky at times? Being a fixed (aka stubborn) sign, Taurus will help us stick to accomplishing our goals through the power of persistence.
But Taurus is also associated money. Taking an inventory of one's finances during this transit is advisable, as Uranus in Taurus will make us acutely aware of our financial status. Bullish monetary practices, whether legal or illegal, ethical or unethical, successful or failures, will be highlighted. Wealth and debt, in their extremes, will come into focus as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This could lead to financial unrest and/or retaliation. However, Uranus in Taurus also governed the inception of the New Deal as a political solution to getting the nation out of the Depression. Don't underestimate the power of Taurus to innovate its way out of a morass.
For those of us in the earth-loving fellow signs of Capricorn and Virgo, the next seven years will be kinder and stabilizing. Fiery Aries in Uranus and its smoky aftermath will soon dissipate clearing passage to terra firma. Amen.
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