Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Oh Lord, Now Constitutional Birthright is in Jeopardy

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday said that he will introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship after President Trump suggested he wanted to do so through an executive order.
"Finally, a president willing to take on this absurd policy of birthright citizenship. I've always supported comprehensive immigration reform — and at the same time — the elimination of birthright citizenship," Graham said in a string of tweets. -The Hill

Bombing threats to political adversaries of Trump, the massacre at a Jewish synagogue by a avowed Trump supporter, and the sale of public lands to private cronies of the President, all signal the demise of democracy as we have defined it in our Constitution. 

Those who forget the past are doomed to relive it. Now comes the biggest erosion of rights to take away birthright citizenship which includes naturalized citizens, too. The only good news that can come out of this is to toss Mrs. Trump, her secret police father, his wife, out of this country. Remember, they are 'naturalized' foreigners, too, Mr. Trump. 

Mr. Trump cautioned us that we should not compare him to other political dictators but this is hard when he follows in their path. From making friends with our political adversaries, alienating our long alliances with our democratic allies, and signing executive orders circumventing the check and balances of our government, this smacks of the encroachment of authoritarianism.

This on the heels of the massacre of Jewish people worshiping peacefully at a synagogue. We are a nation in grieving the loss of these innocent souls who were slaughtered mercilessly by a man incited by the rhetoric of our President. The victims of this carnage will forever remain symbols of the importance of inclusion, acceptance, and freedom of religion in a democracy. Rest in peace and know we will remember you.

We still have the right to vote. Exercise your right next week. 

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