Friday, August 9, 2024

Is Trump a Pathological Liar, Sincerely Deluded, Demented, or all Three?


Somes of the latest lies propagated by Senor Asshole:
-Claims he went down in a helicopter with California's Willie Brown. Willie Brown says that's a lie.
-Claims he has done more for black people than Abraham Lincoln. When he spoke at the Black Journalists convention, they booed him loudly when he said this.
-He claims he had more people show up at his rallies than MLK did at his famous Washington Mall speech. Another lie.
-Denies he knew nothing about the 2025 Project when logs prove he flew on his plane with the Heritage Foundation author.
-While President, he frequently told the public the COVID virus was under control when it wasn't. Over a million people died from COVID in the US because he refused to promote vaccines and masking.
-He was actually caught on tape asking the COVID physicians to investigate light treatment or drinking (poisonous) disinfectant as a treatment for COVID.
-He outright lied about the payouts to his porn star and Playboy mistresses (both while married to Melania).
-Most egregious lie: he won the 2020 election. He refused the peaceful transition of power and attempted a coup.

One wonders if Trump is just a pathological liar, sincerely deluded, or just plain demented like his father who died of Alzeimer's disease. 

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