Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Vocational Apocalypse

 Everyone has a bad day at work once in a while. Mine has been going on for years. Political correctness, protecting one’s turf, and appearing indispensable when nothing of real value is being produced, are the top skills most admired in my workplace.  

      Because I work in government, the incompetent people in power hire their friends or their friend’s friends. No matter whom they employ, the despots at the top won’t hire anyone who they perceive will threaten their deluded veracity or impeach their thin veneer of credibility. Amazingly, in my workplace if one gets demoted from management your pay grade does not decrease. Thus, one is behaviorally rewarded for ineptitude. Where is Sarah Palin and the rest of the Tea Party when you need them?

What is the solution for the depressing tie that binds? The creative use of imagination. We are all told to fear. Fear economic disaster, fear never again working, fear being impoverished, and fear the unknown. Fear keeps up hypnotized to the paralyzing acclimation to crazy workplaces, dysfunctional management, and job dissatisfaction. Years ago I lost everything in a divorce that spiritually, emotionally, and financially left me bankrupt. Along with my marriage, I lost my house, my way of being, and hope. But I am still here. How was I able to rise above devastation? Through having faith in my ability to imagine and create something from nothing.
 We are rarely told to have faith. Faith in taking a risk, faith in believing one can create a better destiny, faith that life can renew itself with more fulfillment. In the death knell that is being sounded at my work, I am reminded the universe is moving me toward syntropy-‘the tendency towards energy concentration, order, organization and life.’ I am on the road to find out.              

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