Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pussygate and the Presidency

It's been a bitter election season, one that exemplifies how divided our society is. Not since the sixties have I seen such contempt, rage, and vilification play out on the national stage so intensely. We are in the midst of a cultural revolution tearing at the heart of which direction we are headed. This election has forced us to look at where we stand on the future.

With every day that passes, I can't believe the cardboard comic book persona of Donald Trump could get even worse. This man does not seem to have a filter. The more he spews his uncensored rhetoric, the more he paralyzes us to believe the only choice is Hilary Clinton. I have seen this same sort of hyberbole before with Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both of them were elected by their sound byte celebrity Q scores. Their political reigns were marked by corruption and self-serving interests. They were elected because they captured the angst and anger of people enraged at the impotence of their electorate. Their constituency had spent too much time in front of FOX television.

What the GOP doesn't realize is that their constituency is too slow to recognize women, minorities, LBGTs, immigrants, and the marginalized no longer will endure the sling and arrows of an oppressive dogma which wants us to remain silent, go back in the closet, pretend we have no color, and aren't really American. Too many women in the US have experienced making less than our male coworkers, sexual harassment, cat calls, unwanted sexual advances, and victimization at the hands of men. Sorry, Donald, you have abjectly lost touch with those of us who struggle daily in a world hostile to us. Your silver spoon philosophy does not have room for us but more importantly, you'll soon find out we don't have room for your good ole boy locker room mentality which only serves to inflate your pathetic sense of narcissism.

For years Hilary has been the object of vilification. As a women of my generation I understand why. Women are not supposed to be achievers, politically astute, intelligent, vocal, competitive, and be competent. Barack Obama is still going through the same bashing in his presidency as a black man. Hilary has proven experience as a Senator, a Secretary of State, and a politician. Hilary was highly respected as a Secretary of State and more than ever we need someone who understands global politics. She gets copious bad press because of Bill Clinton's antics but in reality none of us can control what our significant other does. I find it interesting that not much is made of Melania posing nude, having a questionable collegiate and immigration status, and enduring years of Donald's infidelities.

But there is a greater reason why I support Hilary for president: I support the Democratic platform for which she stands. I am bone tired of reading about another innocent black man shot by police, seeing immigrants assailed as terrorist threats, crying about the slaughter of gay men in a Florida bar, and having women viewed as sexual fodder by good ole boys. It is the year of the woman. For these reasons I'm with her-

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