All I can say is unbelievable. What are people thinking? Is having a competent woman president so vial to the straight male status quo that a pompous, impulsive, sexual predator of a dictator be more palpable? Now I know how some of the minority German population must have felt when Hitler was first elected-sinking doom is too dire of a feeling to ignore.
America wake up. We are no longer a Christian, straight, white, male nation. For those of us literate enough to read, we have seen the historical ramifications of electing officials who spew hate and fear. Take a page from Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler. They were popular, too. Did we not see with the election of other celebrity politicians like Arnold and Jesse Ventura, that the road to hell is paved with self-absorbed avaricious stars longing for political power? For all of the ignorant anxiety-plagued electorate who voted for Mr. Trump, cheer up: you'll get your new wall (who cares about all those tunnels), freedom to 'P' grab, endless war, and global deterioration of our relationships with other countries. The American nightmare is about to begin.
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