We just passed a fiery, energetic New Moon in Aries. Tempers are hot, patience has vanished, and disagreeable verbal fluency flows sharply. Everyone seems less tolerant of one another. It is hard enough to be compassionate with others, let alone ourselves. Multiple conditions have created an intensely impatient ennui. We are overloaded by corruption, paralyzed by hopelessness, and frightened by the never ending assault to basic human rights. Combine this with Venus retrograde, we are experiencing episodes of ugly, inflammatory, repulsive theatrical behavior replete with piercing language. And, to add insult to injury, next week Mercury retrograde dances in to complete the full communication mishap ballet. Oh joy! About the smartest thing we can do is duck and cover until it passes. The Full Pink Moon April 11th may offer a respite with a shift of luck.
Be aware that having less available energy for the myriad of issues draining us, a neurasthenia can envelop us making us doubt our purposefulness and sanity. A quote by that awful Donald Rumsfeld sums up how it can feel: "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." This pretty much sums up how poignantly we want but do not have a rudder nor a sense of direction. Fear-based thinking triggers a flight or flight response even though there is nothing to fight and no where to run.
The romanticism of April belies its cruel reality. April is not only the height of depression and the bi-polar season but suicides peaks as well. Additionally, the the opposite of suicide is homicide and it frequently accompanies feelings of hopeless/helplessness. Remember, Columbine, Oklahoma City, West Virginia Tech, Waco, Ruby Ridge and others violent incidents happened around April 20th. If one does not care about themselves, they will not care about others. All this emotional upheaval begs us all to be kinder, gentler, and more patient.
We are all affected by the lengthening sun's energetic pull. This causes an increase serotonin, giving us increased energy. The increase of energy is not always positive: sometimes it causes irritation and agitation which complicates emerging from depression. This can give someone on the suicidal fence the momentum to carry out a plan. Or, the increased sunlight pushes those with bi-polar disorder toward the manic side. Things tend to even out in mid-May but until then April is a wild card.
Spring is a time of awakening. Not all of us awaken from our slumber by bounding out of bed. Emerging from hibernation sometimes requires a slower adjustment. Being more understanding, compassionate, and supportive is the order of this mercurial month.
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