Monday, March 20, 2017

Trump's 'Deep State' Versus Deep Space Nine's Section 31

"Section 31 was the name of an officially-nonexistent and autonomous clandestine organization which claimed to protect the security interests of United Earth and, later, the United Federation of Planets. Loosely speaking, it was Starfleet's black-ops division, operating separately from and usually without the knowledge of Starfleet Intelligence (though it often recruited members of Starfleet Intelligence). Section 31's very existence was a deeply buried secret, known only to a handful of people beyond its own membership."  -

"The Deep State" is the name of an officially non-existent and autonomous clandestine group of fringe lunatics also known as the Trump administration. Loosely speaking, it is Trump's black-ops pro-Russian millionaire agents operating on the down lo to rig the election and seize power under the guise of protecting 'the security interests of the US' (their twisted rationale for anyone interfering with their Ferengi-like business profits). The Emperor who wears no clothes forgot that the FBI, CIA, and the Intelligence Agencies monitors Russia closely and can make a microwave into a camera. Unlike Section 31, everyone knows about 'The Deep State's" dirty secrets but is currently hog-tied by Trump's complicit GOP cronies.

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