Friday, December 20, 2024



In a recent interview, Elon Musk revealed that he has a prescription for ketamine to treat depression. Ketamine is a powerful anesthetic that research indicates can help treat depression, but it is not currently FDA-approved for that or any other psychiatric indication. 
What is Ketamine? Ketamine hydrochloride is an FDA-approved anesthetic that was developed some fifty years ago and is still used today. It is a Schedule III non-narcotic substance, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency, and has currently accepted medical uses. 
But Ketamine also has a reputation as an illicit party drug that is known to cause hallucinations and a relaxed, disconnected feeling-Healthline
Elonia has probably conveniently forgotten what ketamine did to Matthew Perry.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Weaponization of Rage


Ranting, raving, screaming, yelling, threats, intimidation, demeaning language, fury, uncontrolled anger, violent outbursts, verbal assaults, aggressiveness, and temper tantrums are all hallmarks of Trump's legacy of rage on our culture. His wrathful influence did not start with him, nor it will end with him. Most likely he patterned his rageaholic personality from his vengeful controlling father. He honed his lifetime of affluenza rage by trademarking it into the MAGA brand. 

Wrath, or extreme rage, is one of the seven deadly sins. Even if you're not a believer in religious teachings, the seven deadly sins (Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Sloth, Wrath) are an insightful guide to potentially problematic behaviors, and when uncontrolled, will almost certainly lead to destructive impulses and consequences. Trump is guilty of all of them, but it appears his favorite is wrath. Like most authoritarian dictators, he channels and exports his wrath because strong emotional rage is more addictive than heroin and more contagious than measles. Rage is a psychological tsunami justifying revenge by eliminating perceived enemies. It ensnares the fomenting angry with senseless meth-like energy to rise up to exact revenge. January 6th is just one of its outcomes. 

Rage is not just an avenue for Trump, though he is quick to utilize its intoxicating power. We see it in all shootings, the rise in settling scores with lethal force, and the intolerance of divergent views. To put it simply, it's my way or the automatic weapon way in your face. Rage is a reaction to avoid feeling helpless and hopeless. It preys upon the emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. That's what makes it a deadly sin.

Luigi Mangione is an example of how pernicious rage can be quickly radicalized. This young man from an extremely wealthy family, devolved into a rage spiral as a result of medical limitations following surgery. He could not fathom that this capricious fate should happen to such a privileged intelligent man in his twenties. As his limitations became intolerable, he immersed himself into the blame dogma (a la Ted Kaczynski & Trump) focusing on retribution of his supposed 'oppressors'. His rage killing inspired many health insurance victims to revere him as a hero. Yes, rage is blindingly contagious, eliminating any chance of mercy or empathy. 

Combatting the power of rage seems insurmountable. So, what is the answer? The Buddhists believe that even if your anger is justified, it will not bring you peace of mind. The Catholics, who are proponents of the seven deadly sins, believe wrath is best offset by gentleness, self-control, patience, and peace. Easier said than done. In this age of instant gratification, practicing self-control, patience, and abstaining from violence requires mindfulness and restraint. It is our only hope in this era of rage. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

JD Vance Can't Help Channeling HIs Inner Trans


Unbelievably, Vance outed himself over Thanksgiving. Does Melania suspect Vance of secretly wanting to take over her role as Trump's pseudo-wife? My guess is that she's relieved not to have to sleep with him anymore or make another turkey.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Revised Version of I Shall Not Despair

Originally published in December 2020:

Fatigued by the constitutional rape,
Of neo-fascists axing our scape,
Anarchy abounds, inducing fear
No, I shall not fall into despair.

Chicanery lording over me,
Sophistry offered as a remedy,
Rolling off their tongues without a care
Still, I will not be led into despair.

From the powerful white old men in justice,
To political liars saying trust us,
Spreading their deceit while reciting the Lord's Prayer,
Nay, I won't be bamboozled into despair.

Muzzling sexual exploitation
With a sparkling explanation,
Pronouncing the rape was a consensual affair
Will make me angry instead of despair.

My body is not their lawless vessel,
For their controlling legislative wrestle,
Denying my bodily freedom with conservative fanfare
Will have me marching but not consumed with despair.

Protecting a dictator's orange lying ways,
Absolving anarchy because you're afraid,
Malfeasance abounds but I bid you beware
I have the power to overcome, and I won't despair.

The scent of Musk has me seething,
For the sanity I used to believe in
Murdering democracy without a care
Resist and fight instead of a despair!

Thursday, November 21, 2024



Elonia is our new co-president, has built a Mormon-like sister-wives compound in Texas with all his wives, girlfriends, & 11 children, loves to hawk selling his own semen, & is thrilled to be Trump's second 'wife'.

DM Matt if you're under 18 & accept Venmo.

Alleged rapist who pays off his victims, serial pro-family adulterer, hated by veteran's groups, misogynistic military blowhard, and an anti-handwashing conspiratory theorist.

Animal cadaver enthusiast, poster boy for journalist affairs, admitted heroin addict, & easily humiliated by being forced to eat 'poisonous' fast food during a photo op for criticizing Trump's junk food diet.

Linda McMahon: Allegedly rivals Jim Jordon's sexual abuse enabling, unqualified education antagonist, & willing to kick unsuspecting men in the balls.

Kash Patel: SS commander wannabe, rivals Stephen Miller for the Heinrich Himmler man of the year award, & promises to prosecute non-MAGA people who cross President Hitler. 

Kristi Noem: Unapologetic dog executioner, Cory Lewandowski's favorite affair, & Trump's go to for an easy MAGA Barbie woman. 

Monday, November 18, 2024



'Russian state television network congratulated Melania Trump on her husband's
reelection as president of the United States by showing nude 
of her on 
live television, according to a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.
On the show 60 minutes, Russian television presenters, husband
 and wife Yevgeny Popov and Olga Skabeyeva, spoke about
Donald Trump's reelection and showed numerous photos from 
Melania Trump's modeling days on screen, including 
nude photographs from a GQ profile in 2000.' -Newsweek

'Sharing Melania’s old photos in the popular show was meant to be an obvious slight to the president-elect that spells out the power dynamic of the US-Russia relationship – or at least how Putin would like it to be.

By publicly shaming Trump’s wife, the Russian leader is demonstrating both that nothing is off-limits and who is in the dominant position. The Russian leader has used misogynistic attacks and rhetoric for decades to demean his enemies and bolster his supporters.

The stunt may also have been meant as a subtle threat that the Kremlin holds other embarrassing or politically damaging material that could threaten the 47th president.' -KYIV Post

Oh my, is the thrill gone?

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

More Appropriate Picks for Trump's Cabinet

Secretary of Defense, Brigadier General Jack Ripper. Devout anti-Communist, pro-male bodily fluids, & fearless nuclear bomb enthusiast.  
Secretary of Labor, Colonel Saito. Japanese labor camp efficiency expert, motivational bridge builder, & able to deliver goals by using torture.
Secretary of Agriculture, Dr. Hannibal Lector. Trump favorite for his ability to digest his enemies, has experience with fava beans & chianti, & enjoys a cunning ability to escape jail.
Secretary of Commerce, Alfonse Capone. Another Trump favorite for his dead-on capitalistic business acumen, his expertise in tax evasion, & is a fierce gun supporter.  
Treasury Secretary, Ebenezer Scrooge. Penurious unrepentant loan shark, willing to work holidays, & devoted fiscal conservative.

Director of HHSA: Dr. Frankenstein. Misunderstood pioneer of organ transplants, supporter of green electricity, & an environmentally friendly cadaver recycler. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trump, Sauron, and the Lord of the Rings Parallel

Like his hero Sauron, Trump is the all-seeing eye. He and Sauron have incessantly promoted their gigantic eye/I as an intimidating force majeure. Obsessed with their pseudo-omniscience, both are consumed by their eye's voracious grasping for the ring of power. Sauron uses his eye as a paranoid beacon to continuously scan for the one ring; Trump uses his I, I, I, I to seize the ring, sell NFTs, and avoid prison. Sauron lives in Modor in a bleak compound full of bizarre devotees. Trump lives in Mar a Lago with only his I-popping ego and an entourage of catatonic MAGA groupies. There is not enough power, money, or mirrors to fill their psychologically and morally bankrupt eye/I. Besides their depressing use of morbid decorating colors (think Melania's nightmare Christmas motif), they never fail to bring dark foreboding clouds wherever they go. 
Enter their minions: the Nazgul Ringwraiths (Gates, MTG, Hawley, Lee), headed by the Witch King of Angmar (Mike Johnson). Good at leading a bunch of power-hungry sycophants, the Witch King cannot be killed by any man, making him perfect for the job. When not sabotaging women's access to healthcare, the Nazgul can be seen actively whitewashing history, fearmongering about being replaced by minorities, and salivating over automatic weapons. 
Aiding them in their search for the ring of power is the corrupt white wizard Saruman (JD Vance). Saruman used to be an eyeliner-loving drag queen wannabe, but the allure of the ring transformed him into a humorless MAGA/Modor mannequin. As he hawks the Modor 2025 dogma, childless cat women everywhere worry about him grabbing them by the pussy. 
 Along with Saruman and the Nazgul are the MAGA Orcs. This Modor-loving crowd seek the ring of power to get approval from Sauron. Hyping their mega-white values, the Orcs focus on obtaining the ring for Sauron by eliminating anyone standing in their way, including their vice president. Evangelicalism is their Orc armor as they worship their one true god, Trump. They believe in the sanctity of guns, being anti-woke (aka being asleep), and engaging in insurrection. Supporting Sauron unconditionally, they even defend him when he vulgarly accuses rival women of giving blowjobs to get ahead. So much for Christian values. 
Gollum (Mitch McConnell) is another player stalking the ring. Gollum is just another Sauron Stockholm survivor, secretly plotting the ring for himself. For years Sauron tortured him until he became an even creepier brown-nosing weirdo, so there's no love loss there. Gollum survived by feigning loyalty, pretending to agree with Sauron's plan to be dictator of the world. His ardor for the ring is the only thing that matters to him other than a good bowel movement. No matter is how decrepit he gets from his pursuit of the ring, his desiccated body survives like an Uruk-hai on meth. 
Just when you think all is hopeless, Gandalf (Joe Biden) sends two hobbits, along with a fellowship of stalwart allies, on a mission to destroy the ring. When the group became separated by Orc warriors, the two hobbits persisted into the depths of Modor ultimately destroying the ring in Mt. Doom. Their triumph against all odds caused the climate to clear of perpetual darkness bringing hope to middle earth. 

What happened to the vanquished? The destruction of the ring led to Sauron being terminally poked in his I by the fellowship. His accomplice Saruman was banished to the twin towers, while the rest of Sauron's army died under the weight of Project 2025. The Witch King of Angmar was killed by a woman defending her right to have control over her body, frightening the other Ringwraiths into oblivion. Anyone left in the scourge that didn't die moved to Florida and Texas where they are still trying to resurrect the past. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kamala vs Donald: Their Focus

 Wants to stop food price gouging.                   Keeps talking about Hannibal Lecter.

 Likes cats.                                                       Wants to grab you by your pussy.

 Prosecuted criminals.                                      Is a convicted felon.

 Is pro-women's issues.                                    Serial adulterer & porn star lover.

 Believes in democracy.                                   Believes in insurrection & dictators.

 Has strong public service.                               Is self-serving and self-absorbed.

 Focuses on issues.                                          Acts confused and frequently lies.

 Has integrity.                                                  Has a narcissistic personality.

Works for victims of crime.                             Whines a lot about being a victim.

She's younger, smarter, & talented.                 He's old, hateful, & acts demented.

Seeks to inspire and include.                           Seeks to grift & spread Project 2025.






Tuesday, July 30, 2024



A warning to JD Vance: don't try to grab her by the pussy.

Another childless cat lady who rocks more than JD Vance.

It starts with a sofa and progresses to other furniture.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Is Not Being Said About Trump's Assassination Attempt


Like Rasputin, Trump has an uncanny ability to survive what would kill most people. This enables his zealous followers to see him as endowed with indestructibility. As he evades the legal, moral, and ethical consequences for his actions, he becomes more dangerous. Listen to his language: he cannot speak without weaving his personal martyrdom into center stage. He spouts a litany of vitriol in every sound bite, rally, and interview. Too bad he's not Catholic; he could be the patron saint of unrelenting rage. 

I find it ironic that an anti-gun control president (who can't legally own a gun due to his felony), almost got killed by a 20-yr-old, registered Republican. When news came down about the assassination attempt, most people are not surprised that Trump has amassed a huge number of enemies all around the world (i.e., Iran, Syria, Gaza, Canada, Panama, Mexico) let alone within the federal government. Trump seems oblivious to the fact that millions of people view him as truly evil. Because he arouses a lethal kind of capitalism contempt, he fuels desperate people to do desperate acts. Think about that 20-yr-old outsmarting the Secret Service.

Surprised? This is what happens when extremism takes power. I was warned about extremism by the Eastern European community I was raised in. It begins with blame, fierce nationalism, and retribution and ends up with internment camps, deportment, and/or execution. 

People from Poland and Hungary have told me how the abatement of human rights happens slowly. The MAGA people don't seem to understand this established history or unwilling to confront their denial. As they seek to make America back into a white Christian nation, devoid of diversity and equality, they have wittingly resurrected Hitler's ideology. Sorry MAGA, the opposite of being 'woke' is being asleep and lacking insight. 

For years we have been waiting to see justice for all the politically dangerous and illegal things Trump has done. Frustrated by how he's been able to circumvent any legal consequences (especially for the insurrection), I understand why his assassination attempt happened. Trump and his MAGA followers espouse the elimination of basic rights for women/gays/and minorities, immigrants, foreigners, and anyone who is not a white Christian evangelical. No person is above the law seems like a joke.

Watching the GOP pander to the right-wing extremism promotes a deep-seated fear of the future. This is a scary time which leads people to take extreme action. People are so frightened by Trump's extremist agenda that they are willing to rise up and rebel. However, this also becomes fertile ground for counter extreme options. The left is not immune to violence. Though I do not condone violence, I am able to understand the desperation which drives people to commit suicidal destructive acts of violence. 

There can be no peace without justice.