Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do Nothing

My horoscope for today states I am to do nothing (my comments in blue):

"Do nothing (What??? Certainly there is something I should be doing.)

Weak, transient effect: This influence, although brief, can have a disruptive effect on your relationships (great, now I have another thing to worry about). The problem is that it tends to make you feel very lonely and isolated, as if there is no one you can communicate with (and that would be different because?). And this can be a self-fulfilling prophecy (all of my prophecies are self-fulfilling). Perhaps unconsciously you send out signals to others declaring that you do not want to be bothered. (that would be correct). You may get into a depressed mood that baffles the people around you, so they give up on you for the time being and stop trying to help you (I hate baffling depression) . There is a strong tendency to look on the dark side of life and to react much more strongly to disappointments and failures than to reinforcement from others and success (but the disappointments and failures make a better story). The best way to handle such feelings is to do nothing (What?). Don't take them seriously and don't make any decisions based on the way you feel now (Okay, now what?). "

In this techno age of instant everything, how does one do nothing? Are we even allowed to do nothing? Doesn't 'do nothing' equate with helplessness, victimization, passivity, or laziness? I always look to the dictionary for clarification when unclear:

1. a person who chooses to do nothing; a lazy or worthless person.

2. characterized by inability or unwillingness to initiate action, work toward a goal, assume responsibility, or the like: a do-nothing government.

See what I mean. Can anything good come from doing nothing? The Western world sees weakness in doing nothing. This is an age of sound bytes, clever quips, and reassuring rationalizations. The lack of motion is also akin to being indifferent and apathetic. We are discouraged to take the time, sit tight, and remain undecided. But there is another side to 'do nothing'.

Do nothing can encourage an objectivity, a connection and trust of one's universe. One can do nothing by meditating, praying, and letting go. The hardest battles within are trusting oneself to 'do nothing', say nothing more, and forego. Our compulsive behavior wants us to believe the only option resides within ourselves to 'do something now.' I love this quote from "Women Who Run with the Wolves" on foregoing:

"Take a break about thinking about the person or event for a while. It is not leaving something undone, but rather more like taking a vacation from it. This prevents us from being exhausted, allows us to strengthen in other ways, to have other happiness in our lives.
Leave the situation, memory, issue as many times as you need to. The idea is not to overlook but to become agile and strong at detaching from the issue. To forego means to take up that weaving, that writing, to go to that ocean,  to do some learning and loving that strengthens you, and to allow the issue to drop away for a time."

I am not going to start weaving but maybe I'll go to the ocean.

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