In the 2025 version of Clue, notorious real estate mogul, Professor Orange, is found murdered in Casa de Blanca. Being a political grifter, conman, and philanderer made him in the crosshairs of plenty of enemies. Who did it? The following suspects were present at Casa de Blanca at the time of his homicide:
1.) Mrs. White is a naturalized citizen from Canada and his domestic worker. When not cleaning candlesticks, she envisions sticking one up Professor Orange for wanting to annex her native country. Usually, she can be found in the dining room fantasizing about a revenge candlelight dinner with him.
2.) Mrs. Peacock (nee Pavo Real) is a rich elderly Panamanian rope manufacturer doing business with Professor Orange. His devious plan to take over the Panama Canal while imposing steep tariffs runs contrary to her plan for worldwide rope domination. She can be found in the living room knot tying and garrote sculpting. No one strangles her ambition.
3.) Professor Plum (aka Ciruela-Morado) is known as a high-priced golf club designer. Unbeknownst to Professor Orange, this guest is also a secret explosive expert for the Mexican cartel. His specialty is creating pipe bombs to look like golf clubs. Professor Plum frequents the library to research explosive designs. When Professor Orange called ICE on him, he absconded with Plum's prize golf clubs. Little does Professor Orange know those clubs will be his last incendiary slice.
4.) Colonel Mustard, another guest, is a devious military man and powerful diplomat. As an undercover Hamas agent, Mustard is enraged with Professor Orange's plans for redeveloping his destroyed homeland. Look for him in the courtyard skeet shooting or cleaning his gun. Professor Orange is in his sights.
5.) Miss Scarlett, a perennial groupie at Casa de Blanca, is a knife throwing femme fatale acrobat from Macau. Her exotic wiles easily seduced Professor Orange into believing she was his loyal autocrat love slave. This disguise shielded her real occupation as a Chinese operative. Tik Tok's ban and the steep US tariffs has pushed her over the edge. When not in the kitchen sharpening her knives, she can be found in the bedroom seductively waiting for Professor Orange. Her love is sharp and to the point.
6.) Mr. Green, an Iranian H1-C visa recipient, is the plumbing master for Casa de Blana. Fed up with pulling classified documents out of Orange's gold toilet, Mr. Green is seeking a permanent solution to dealing with clogged toilets. It was when Professor Orange's drone strike executed his esteemed countryman, General Soleimani, Mr. Green finally cemented his wrenching desire for vengeance. Frequently seen in the bathroom fixing the golden toilet, Green is wrench-ready to stop Professor Orange's leaky ideology.
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