Friday, March 20, 2015

The Solar Eclipse March 20, the Vernal Equinox

After three years of tortuous intermediate hell consisting of seven grand cardinal squares, the last one occurred on March 16th. The wake of these seven jarring astrological influences will impact us for years. Now we have the trifecta of astrological events: the eclipse, the New Blood Moon, and the Vernal Equinox. This lunation is packing a punch because it is in the last arc of Pisces, meaning this will be a time of endings. The eclipse will energize the intensity of anything that needs completion, is finished, or needs to die. In order for the initiation of the season to take root, one must clear away the debris allowing room for the sprouting new life. 

This is a time to focus on renewal and breathing life into something new. Births can sometimes be messy, so don't grow impatient if changes start chaotically. The events post this eclipse are bound to be jarring just as winter does not let go to spring easily.

Be careful for what you wish for on this potent day. It is possible for your eyes to be bigger than your stomach during this time. Now is the time to make realistic plans to accomplishing your dreams.

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Meal of Teasing, Ridicule, Shame, and Humiliation

How subtly the appetizer tastes,
A humorous wisp of criticism delighting as a tease.
Say it with goodwill  and it is perceived as a clever joke
Imbue it with hostility and its sting evokes grimaces.

Escalating with the first course is contempt,
Served on a silver tray of ridicule.
The jarring jaded cynicism spread with intent
Derides, mocks, and scorns with impunity.

Smiling through the double entendres
Delivered with a surgical precision,
Designed to injure without blood,
Ridicule sabotages by calcifying dignity.

What would a main course be without shame?
Ignominy displayed with an impeccable presentation
Lays down stigmatic memories in its cruel wake
Rendering a plate of internal torment.

Dessert is chilled by schadenfreude.
The wicked delight in the guilty pleasure
Watching misfortune beset those deemed deserving
Smirking as the raped call out to be released.

How pitiless the soul rotted by injury
Whose festering wound brews
The frozen rage beneath their icy breast
By a meal so tainted with poison.

Monday, March 2, 2015


"Full Worm Moon – March As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this Moon as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter; or the Full Crust Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation. To the settlers, it was also known as the Lenten Moon, and was considered to be the last full Moon of winter." -Farmer's Almanac

At 10:05am (PST) on March 5th, the Full Moon in Virgo illuminates what we need to hold onto and what we have to let go. Integration of reason and intuition, thought and feeling, and mind and heart are being called to make the the final shift of this transformation as we approach the final Uranus-Pluto square on March 16th (which has lorded over us since 2012). Endings and beginnings are the sign we are being initiated by a still voice who knows it is time to say good bye and allow creation to greet us hello. It would be tempting to wallow in grief, resist by kicking and screaming, or go on a martyr binge. Giving birth is a messy process which does not conform to rules. The good news is you can make up a better story. The bad news is your head has to release disappointment, blame, shame, anger, guilt, fear, hopelessness, and pride. Easier said than done. A trine on this Full Virgo Moon will grace us with an ability to let go of what has anchored us to our own unhappiness. Impulse control can be managed by logic and sensitivity.

The Full Moon is just the birth of riding the tail of an emotional comet. As we say good bye to the harshness of winter, the whisper of spring is a soft echo not far away. The vernal equinox heralds spring March 20th with an eclipsed New Moon Pisces. Energies are increasing as light lengthens, temperatures increase, and the first sprigs of verdant green appear. What do you need to release in order to experience spring in your heart? What bitterness, cynicism, and disappointment needs to melt with the snow? What seeds of clarity, comfort, confidence, and faith need to be sown?

This Full Moon teaches us we are both rational (Virgo) and intuitive (Pisces). These moonbeams will be showering us with the power to be who we are.