Friday, March 31, 2017

The Post New Moon Manic Melacholia

We just passed a fiery, energetic New Moon in Aries. Tempers are hot, patience has vanished, and disagreeable verbal fluency flows sharply. Everyone seems less tolerant of one another. It is hard enough to be compassionate with others, let alone ourselves. Multiple conditions have created an intensely impatient ennui. We are overloaded by corruption, paralyzed by hopelessness, and frightened by the never ending assault to basic human rights. Combine this with Venus retrograde, we are experiencing episodes of ugly, inflammatory, repulsive theatrical behavior replete with piercing language. And, to add insult to injury, next week Mercury retrograde dances in to complete the full communication mishap ballet. Oh joy! About the smartest thing we can do is duck and cover until it passes. The Full Pink Moon April 11th may offer a respite with a shift of luck. 

Be aware that having less available energy for the myriad of issues draining us, a neurasthenia can envelop us making us doubt our purposefulness and sanity. A quote by that awful Donald Rumsfeld sums up how it can feel: "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." This pretty much sums up how poignantly we want but do not have a rudder nor a sense of direction. Fear-based thinking triggers a flight or flight response even though there is nothing to fight and no where to run. 

The romanticism of April belies its cruel reality. April is not only the height of depression and the bi-polar season but suicides peaks as well. Additionally, the the opposite of suicide is homicide and it frequently accompanies feelings of hopeless/helplessness. Remember, Columbine, Oklahoma City, West Virginia Tech, Waco, Ruby Ridge and others violent incidents happened around April 20th. If one does not care about themselves, they will not care about others. All this emotional upheaval begs us all to be kinder, gentler, and more patient. 

We are all affected by the lengthening sun's energetic pull. This causes an increase serotonin, giving us increased energy. The increase of energy is not always positive: sometimes it causes irritation and agitation which complicates emerging from depression. This can give someone on the suicidal fence the momentum to carry out a plan. Or, the increased sunlight pushes those with bi-polar disorder toward the manic side. Things tend to even out in mid-May but until then April is a wild card.

Spring is a time of awakening. Not all of us awaken from our slumber by bounding out of bed. Emerging from hibernation sometimes requires a slower adjustment. Being more understanding, compassionate, and supportive is the order of this mercurial month. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jared Kushner and Ivanka: The Real President and First Lady of the US

'So, if you’re keeping track, Jared Kushner, who comes to Washington with no government experience, no policy experience, no diplomatic experience, and business experience limited to his family’s real estate development firm, a brief stint as a newspaper publisher, and briefly bidding to acquire the Los Angeles Dodgers, will be working on trade, Middle East policy in general, an Israel-Palestine peace deal more specifically, reforming the Veterans Administration, and solving the opioid crisis.
Oh wait, that’s not all! Apparently, this new office will also be responsible for “modernizing the technology and data infrastructure of every federal department and agency; remodeling workforce-training programs; and developing “transformative projects” under the banner of Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan, such as providing broadband internet service to every American.” -Huffington Post

OMG, I wasn't aware that Trump invited a super hero to leap tall buildings with a single bound-and we don't have to pay him or his decoration of a wife. After countless days of the most corrupt and damaging presidency we have witnessed in history, Trump finally made a momentous decision by installing his daughter and son-in-law as the real President and First Lady. Now that they both have offices at the White House, we can rest easy knowing Trump can just go to Mar A Lago for the rest of his term and play golf. Hitting small balls seems to be his only talent.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The New Moon's Fiery Entrance in Aries

We are now under the spell of the Aries New Moon, signaling planting time. New Moons sweep clean. This is a fiery new start in Aries-expect the energy of this pioneering planet to break the seeds of our unconscious open. Growth requires the shoots of what has been hibernating to emerge from its frozen coffin. The verdant greens, sweet smells, and array of colors remind us that life is rebounding in its own unique style-no two springs are alike. 

This is a mixed New Moon, one making us want our cake and eat it, too. Being in Venus retrograde at the same time, this lunation suggests that either we are too bedazzled by a distorted, over-idealized desire or we are repelling the unseemly because we cannot face the ugly facts. Contradictions abound as we sort this from that.

Spring conjures visions of a bucolic nature-its definition is to 'thrust forward'. After months of winter, we see the returning long sun with its power to energize. But the vernal equinox also energizes its dark side: it is the season which triggers increased rates of depression, bi-polar disorder episodes, and suicide. 

As we nurture our unconscious tender sprouts rising this season, this New Moon makes us aware that growth depends on sun and rain. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017


I think God is okay but the Truth has been taking a beating lately. Sophistry seems to be in vogue these days.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Trump's 'Deep State' Versus Deep Space Nine's Section 31

"Section 31 was the name of an officially-nonexistent and autonomous clandestine organization which claimed to protect the security interests of United Earth and, later, the United Federation of Planets. Loosely speaking, it was Starfleet's black-ops division, operating separately from and usually without the knowledge of Starfleet Intelligence (though it often recruited members of Starfleet Intelligence). Section 31's very existence was a deeply buried secret, known only to a handful of people beyond its own membership."  -

"The Deep State" is the name of an officially non-existent and autonomous clandestine group of fringe lunatics also known as the Trump administration. Loosely speaking, it is Trump's black-ops pro-Russian millionaire agents operating on the down lo to rig the election and seize power under the guise of protecting 'the security interests of the US' (their twisted rationale for anyone interfering with their Ferengi-like business profits). The Emperor who wears no clothes forgot that the FBI, CIA, and the Intelligence Agencies monitors Russia closely and can make a microwave into a camera. Unlike Section 31, everyone knows about 'The Deep State's" dirty secrets but is currently hog-tied by Trump's complicit GOP cronies.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Who Really Cares about Trump's Tax Returns?

Actually, I don't care if Trump releases his tax returns. Why? It's like suspecting your spouse of having an affair hoping to finally find the proof, only to discover the proof is worse than you thought. 

I don't need Trump's tax returns to know he is a despicable, lying autocrat. Every day I see a mountain of damage he is doing to all aspects of human decency by the policies he endorses and the wealthy
corrupt scum running his Cabinet-that's all the proof I need. It's Nixon redux.

This is exactly what happened when Minnesotans elected Jesse Ventura and Californians elected Schwarzenegger. The populist hate which drove these aging celebrity has beens into office ended up biting their constituency in their asses. 

It doesn't take a psychic to realize we are already in deep trouble. The question is, what is it going to take to repair the damage done?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

My Vibrator's Been Hacked

"Vibrator maker ordered to pay out C$4m for 
        tracking users' intimate activity

Canadian manufacturer We-Vibe collected data about temperature and vibration intensity, revealing intimate information without customers’ knowledge.

The We-Vibe 4 Plus is a £90 bluetooth connected vibrator, which can be controlled through an app. It is marketed as a way to “allow couples to keep their flame ignited – together or apart”. Its app-enabled controls can be activated remotely, allowing, for instance, a partner on the other end of a video call to interact.

But the app came with a number of security and privacy vulnerabilities, which added up to produce something that many would feel uncomfortable about using.The app that controls the vibrator is barely secured, allowing anyone within bluetooth range to seize control of the device.

In addition, data is collected and sent back to Standard Innovation, letting the company know about the temperature of the device and the vibration intensity – which, combined, reveal intimate information about the user’s sexual habits."
-The Guardian

Great, now along with cameras masquerading as microwaves, I have to be paranoid about my vibrator giving up my sexual secrets. 


On Monday, (Sean) Spicer insisted that when Trump used the term “wiretap,” he meant any sort of surveillance. “There’s a whole host of things that fall into the category [of wire-tapping],” he said, and “a wide range of ways in which somebody can be monitored or followed up on.” -Huffington Post

Now that we have a logical explanation for that berserk tweet Trump sent accusing our former President of 'surveillance', we can all rest easy. The problem is we need a translator who understands Trump's peculiar disability; an inability to tell the truth is called a compulsive lying disorder. Don't worry, it's not treatable but like most addictions we can learn to recognize it (and remember to vote Democrat in the mid-term elections). Because Mr. Trump seems to struggle with his disability, he may be covered under the Americans with Disability Act. I wonder what the accommodation ADA would recommend when one can't distinguish fact from fiction. 

To help sort this out, I enlisted some tips from a website called Psych Central:

  1. Know that a pathological liar will study you: The goal of the liar may be hidden, but you can count on the fact that the they don’t want you to know the truth. In order to evade someone, you certainly need to study the person and examine what that person might or might not believe. Liars, often sociopaths, are known to “study” the person they hope to take advantage of. In other words, they look for weaknesses.
  2. Don’t forget that the liar lacks empathy: As hard as it is to believe, it is true. The liar does not have any moral consciousness of how the lying behavior may make you feel. The liar does not think before he lies: “oh, I better not say that or I could hurt that person or mislead them.” The liar does not care anything about your feelings and never will. A question many parents of my former clients have asked their child who lies is: “Why don’t you just tell me the truth? Why is that so hard!?” As difficult as it is to believe, it is not that easy for the liar to divulge the truth. The liar lacks the ability to consider what you might feel in response to their lie (which is empathy).
  3. Normal people feel guilty and are relieved when you change the topic or stop asking questions: This was an interesting point that I learned about as I studied forensic psychology as a graduate student some years ago. While working with juvenile delinquents, I found that the pathological liar shows no emotion when lying which makes them believable. A person who is lying and has normal levels of empathy and concern for others, will often show relief when the topic being discussed is changed. For example, if someone told you that they grew up in a concentration camp and experienced a lot of trauma as a result, you would ask questions about it to further understand. If you changed the topic at the point when you observed stress or anxiety in response to your questions, you would see the person relax because they are aware of the consequences of their lying. Most of us will relax when others cease from asking too many questions about a topic we are lying about. A pathological liar is not fazed. You will rarely if ever see emotion.
  4. All liars do not do the common things you think liars do: Believe it or not, liars do not always touch their nose, shift in their seats or from one foot to the next, or even look sneaky when lying. Some really experienced liars are good at giving you direct eye contact, seeming relaxed or “laid back,” and may appear very sociable. The thing to look for is eye contact that feels piercing. Some sociopaths have learned how to evade people with direct eye contact, sociable smiles, and humor. Trust your instincts and discernment. What do their eyes tell you? What does their behavior or laughter tell you?
  5. The most sneaky liars are manipulative: I once heard someone say “we all manipulate.” While this might be true to a certain degree, the liar tends to manipulate more than anyone else and has learned how to become a “pro” at doing it. There is nothing impressive about the dangerous or evil manipulator. They know everything to say and do, they know what you want and don’t want, and again, they will “study” you. In fact, many pathological liars (and sociopaths) use sexual or emotional arousal to distract you from the truth. Proceed with caution when dealing with someone who seems to be directing their attention to you in such a way as to stimulate your arousal to distract you. That arousal could be psychological (peaking your interest), emotional (causing you to feel connected to them), or sexual.
  6. Pathological liars exhibit strange behaviors: Can you remember how you felt, perhaps as a child or teen, after you were caught lying to a teacher, a parent, or friend? Did you feel guilty, sad, or afraid that the other person would no longer accept you? Some research suggests that pathological liars show no discomfort when caught lying, while other studies suggest that liars may become aggressive and angry when caught. The bottom line is that no pathological liar is the same. 
 Oh, by the way, where does the sex part fit into this? We are still awaiting the explosive expose from that British agent's dossier on Trump, Russia, and their kinky sex antics. Even if it's not true, Mr. Trump will have the experience of how much fun it is to be like us, the recipient of golden showers.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Trump and the GOP's Hall of Shame

"You cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody else's babies. You've got to keep your birth rate up, and that you need to teach your children your values," King said, paraphrasing remarks he said he's delivered to audiences in Europe. "In doing so, you can grow your population, you can strengthen your culture, and you can strengthen your way of life." -GOP Rep. Steve King

"There were other immigrants who came in the bottom of slave ships, who worked even longer, even harder, for less, but they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great grandsons, great granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land," said Carson, who is black. -Ben Carson, Secretary of HUD

I believe the ability to measure with precision the degree of human activity’s impact on the climate is subject to more debate on whether the climate is changing and whether human activity contributes to it,” he said.
If humans aren’t causing climate change, Sanders asked, what does Pruitt think is the cause? 
“My personal opinion is immaterial to the job,” Pruitt said. -Scott Pruitt, Director of the EPA 
"Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!"  -Donald Trump 

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos ironically touted historically black colleges and universities as a successful example of her beloved pet cause of "school choice." -Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos

You’re saying it’s falsehoods,” she said to host Chuck Todd, who asked her why the White House Press Secretary was lying about the crowd size at Trump’s inauguration. “And they’re giving—Sean Spicer, our press secretary—gave alternative facts.” -Kellyanne Conway, Trump's 'Advisor"

Now we know what drove the French Revolution.

Kellyanne Conway: Terrorist Appliances are Spying on Trump

Kellyanne Conway reiterated Mr. Trump's assertion yesterday that he has been spied on in Trump Tower. “What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other now, unfortunately,” including “microwaves that turn into cameras, etc,” Conway told New Jersey’s the Record newspaper in an interview on Sunday. “So we know that that is just a fact of modern life.”

Here are a few other appliances that Mr. Trump should be wary of:

Friday, March 10, 2017

GOP Congressman Asks Why Men Should Have To Pay For Prenatal Care

Short answer: because they get women pregnant.
"Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) suggested Wednesday that one reason Republicans are unhappy with the Affordable Care Act is because men must pay for health care plans that cover maternity services." -Huffington Post 

I understand completely. I don't know why I have to pay for their prostate problems.

Full Worm Moon in Virgo, March 12th

"March’s Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Worm Moon by the Native Americans who used the Moons to track the seasons; Colonial Americans also used these names, especially those of the local Algonquin tribes who lived between New England and Lake Superior. At the time of this Moon, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds." -Old Farmer's Almanac

As spring begins to awaken, the Virgo Full Moon reminds us that rebirth is never easy. We are also in the middle of a Venus retrograde which is casting a not so becoming light on arousing after the deep sleep of winter. The combination of both, along with a touchy Mercury, is being aimed at the cognitive dissonance between intuition and logic. Expect to be tongue-tied articulating how you feel, what you think, and where this is all going. 

Out with the old, in with the new may sound exciting, but embracing the transformation of this spring's Full Moon means first encountering why you haven't done this in the first place. Though challenging, this is the season to clear away debris, trim off the dead branches, and begin preparing the soil for planting. The universe will reward the work if one can look beyond the chaos, risk thinking outside the box, and get out of the way. Primal emotions emerging during this time will be better served through exercising control. 

The Virgo Full Moon reminds us that spring not only bestows more sun and flowers but can also bring inclement weather. Regardless, there are always worms.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Are You An Oddity? Ever Wonder Why?

National News Highlights

ST. PAUL, MNA child in Minnesota is 1,217 times more likely to feel out-of-place for not being of Norwegian ancestry than a child from any other state, a St. Olaf College study reported Tuesday.  - "The Onion"

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Welcome to Our Newest State: The Deep State

"State within a state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ ("deep state"), such as the armed forces and civilian authorities (intelligence agenciespolice, administrative agencies and branches of governmental bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within the state can be conspiratorial in nature, the Deep State can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g., job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting the policies and directives of elected officials."-Wikipedia

Thought provoking questions to ponder as we embrace our newest state,The Deep State:

-Why are all the residents of The Deep State male (see picture above)? Are the insipid black suits the Deep Staters wear a menacing uniform or poor fashion judgment? Didn't the SS wear black uniforms?

-If I am not strong in the conspiratorial skill or don't have the enhanced power to further my own interests, can I still visit The Deep State?

-Am I being dense in assuming this sounds like everyone's workplace?

-Are The Deep State residents related to the Grays from Roswell who work in government? They seem to have comparable ideological goals.

-Isn't subversion, obstruction, and opposition taught at Trump U? Damn, I wish they hadn't shut it down before I graduated.

-When is the next Deep State Fair? I hear they have great fried food and bitchin' music.

-'Entrenched, unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratiorial manner' sounds like a well paying career. Whose campaign do I contribute millions to for that job?

-Is there one ring to rule them all?

-Are we going to annex 'The Shallow State' next?

-Where are we going to put that extra star on the flag?

Schwarzenegger + Trump=Schwrump, a Marriage Made in Heaven

The explosive bromance between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Donald Trump is the most exciting news to come out of Washington since Betsy DeVos was caught in the Oval Office bathroom tonguing Kellyane Conway (just kidding). 

Let's face it, Trump's Warren Harding Cabinet is so abhorrently vile that a titillatingly vitriolic feud between T & A provides a comedic diversionary schadenfreude. What better way to shrug off endless 'WTF has Trump done now' than watch the perfect celebrity epic ego battle splayed across the media. Their verbal sparring is proof that water seeks its own level, what goes around comes around, and one does reap what one sows. 

Trumps humiliating tweets taunting the Terminator hit below the belt. The lowest blow came when Arnie either left or was allegedly fired from "Celebrity Apprentice"(of which Mr. Trump is a conflict of interest-free producer). Trump made sure his only 15 minutes of TV celebrity reality show fame would not be overshadowed by Arnie's aging jock star stealing his thunder. It riled Trump so that he could not contain his unbridled scorn while speaking disparagingly about it at the National Prayer Breakfast.

But Trump underestimated Arnie's astute political humor (probably because he's forgotten that Arnie's been worse at politics longer). In an interview on Sirius radio, Arnie was asked by an interviewer about his riff with the President. The Terminator's simple jeering quip was,"I think he's in love with me." Point, set, and match.

Expect a Trump twitter bashing with a side of adolescent mano y mano ridicule. Forget the savage press, intimidating special prosecutors, and threats of impeachment, we have a new secret weapon: Arnie.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Speaking of Inquiries, Inquiring Minds Still Want to Know

1. How many illegals really did throw the popular vote for Hillary?

2. Was the crowd size at the Trump inauguration larger than at Obama's inauguration, the Women's March, and on most tourist holidays?

3. Why did Sessions, Kushner, Flynn, Tillerson, Page, Donald Jr, and the rest of the Trumpgate 500 not invite Donald to their Russian tea party?

4. Why did Former President Obama wire-tap Trump Towers when Trump tweets his unfiltered flight of ideas daily?

5. When is Hillary finally going to be jailed for her breach of email security?

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Obama's Fanatical Cult

Right Wing Conspiracy theorists have been circulating rumors that former President Barack Obama has secretly sought to extend his presidential powers by forming a terrifying political cult (like the Tea Party?)

From what I have read, the new administration has embraced the notion that  Mr. Obama's cult members are fueling the general unrest dividing this country (as if Mr. Trump needed help)

The Obama cult is said to be ISIS-like in its ability to form distinctly separate cells, allowing the units to frequently terrorize the Trump administration with legitimate court challenges, peaceful protests, and criticism from the press (aka Constitutional rights)

Thus far, no mention has been made as to Michelle Obama's role as first lady of the cult (High Priestess?).

The cult members are said to be vicious and merciless (reference the Women's March).

Obama has already indoctrinated Ivanka (she moved to his neighborhood, didn't she?).

No word yet if Hilary is in on this cult, too (even though she still claims to have won the popular vote). 


Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!

  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. -Google

Dear Mr. President, 
        We all commiserate with your 'heightened awareness' of the suspicious motives of others. Now you know how we feel about your administration's dubious contacts with Russia.  

Friday, March 3, 2017

Where is Kellyanne Conway when we need her?

Ubiquitous Kellyanne Conway has been MIA lately. 

She was last seen legless on a couch in the White House texting (Russia?). 

Did that slap on her wrist (or amputation of her legs) for innocently promoting Ivanka's merchandise on TV put her out on Workers Comp?

Or, did her alternative terrorist facts actually turn out to be true causing the INS to deport her to Kentucky?

Whom can we turn to now to thoroughly explain the latest White House news events?

Can Kellyanne at least email us or use Pence's email server?

Maybe we need a Kellyanne protest march to bring her back.

We miss you Kellyanne. Betsy DeVos is not as funny.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Let's review the cast of Trump's purported Russia-loving characters:

-Jeff Sessions, Attorney General. Met with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak twice in September before the election in his Senate office digs. Oops, he kind of forgot to tell Congress about this during his confirmation hearings, when mounting concern over the Democratic Party hacking by Russia was raised. Being a good ole Alabama boy, Mr. Sessions was just offering tea, sympathy, and kielbasa to Sergey, his favorite foreign sausage jockey.

-Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. As a top executive from Exxon oil, Mr. Tillerson won confirmation even though he had no foreign policy experience and had not personally met Trump until after he was floated as a contender for Secretary of State. Mr. Tillerson has close personal ties to Putin and is a strong supporter of lifting sanctions against Russia. No doubt being a bum driller has its benefits.

-Paul Manafort, ousted Trump Campaign Chairman. Mr. Manafort is well-known to many of the world's dictators as their Washington lobbyist. His alleged questionable frequent contacts with pro-Russia officials (though he claims they were Ukrainian) landed him on every US Intelligence Agency's top ten list of 'bad comrades' to investigate. Sadly, this embarrassing PR 'distraction' became public, causing him to resign as Trump's right-hand man. Too bad the ring raider of Russia blew it.

-Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor. A retired Lieutenant Army General, Mr. Flynn has the distinction of having the shortest reign as NSA Director in history. His 24 day tenure ended when it was discovered, like Mr. Sessions, Mr. Flynn 'mislead' important people who should have known better about his conversations with Russia before the election. This back door bandit should have been more careful about his loose lips.

-Carter Page, on leave Foreign Policy Advisor. Mr. Page issued denials to Senator Harry Reid that he was a liaison between Russia officials and the Trump administration. The Trump administration pretends they don't know who he is. Sean Spicer, Melissa McCarthy's twin, announced at a press conference on January 11, 2017, "Carter Page is an individual whom the President-elect does not know and was put on notice months ago by the campaign.” Say, what? Could there be more to this pillow biter's pillow talk?

-Michael Cohen, Trump's personal Attorney. A leaked British spy dossier alleges Counselor Cohen made repeated contacts between Trump associates and the Russians during a visit to Prague. Attorney-client privilege may prevent us from fully knowing how friendly Mr. Cohen's fudge-packing political maneuvers went but the fallout from his farts is distinctly odorous.

-Donald Trump, Jr., trophy first son. Thank God Trump has divested his assets or his son's alleged meeting in Paris three weeks before the election, with a pro-Russian group who promotes Kremlin policy, could be construed as suspicious. Let us remember, Junior's light in the loafer's business deals attracts many misunderstood wealthy oligarchs. Prepare for the White House's explanation to be spun as a fairy tale. 

-Jared Kushner, son-in-law/Senior Trump Advisor. Continuing with the all in the family theme, Mr. Kushner also met with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Ivanka's passion fruit, along with former NSA Director, Mike 'here today, gone tomorrow' Flynn, supposedly engaged in a political menage a trois at Trump Tower in December with shirt lifter Sergey. Of course, it was all in the spirit of good, legitimate power top politics.

On January 16th, President Trump stated, “I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does". 

Mr. Trump, are you saying this is all an incredible coincidence?