Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Letter from the Recently Departed

    Yesterday a friend of mine attended the memorial service of his close friend who died suddenly. His friend was anticipated to make a full recovery from his medical problem, but instead died shortly after being hospitalized. No matter how it occurs, sudden death is a shocking loss whose grieving numbs the soul, usurps reality, and leaves one searching for meaning. Watching what my friend has gone through emotionally since the abrupt departure of his friend left me helpless as to how to console him. I did not know his friend but I do know what is like to cope with the unforeseen death of a close friend. In an attempt to comfort him, I wrote the following letter I felt my friend would have wanted to hear to from his departed friend.

Dear G,
         Thank you for being a close friend to me for all these years. We have seen each other through many ups and downs in the short time we've known each other. This has added incredible depth and meaning to my life. Your friendship has brought something wonderful and unique which contributed greatly to my well being. Knowing you has made me a better man, a better husband, and a better father. I will miss those times and the wonderful conversations we had. It was especially touching to have you be with me at my end. It takes a true friend of strength and integrity to have overcome the squeamishness of seeing me at my most vulnerable and witnessing my final days. I am profoundly grateful you were there for me, my wife, and my family. As you remember me today, I want you to recognize how important your presence was in my life and how much I will also miss you. I did not anticipate I would go so quickly, otherwise there would have been much more we could have said to each other. Please do not have any regrets over any unspoken communications, unresolved issues, or anything else troubling you about our relationship. I left complete. My final request would be for you to honor my death by allowing it to be the impetus to live your life more fully. I have the utmost respect for you and want you to embrace the rest of your life with purposefulness and joy. Though I may not have said this, I want you to convey how much I love you and appreciate all you have done for me. Thank you for loving me and being a support to my family.

Your loving friend

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