Thursday, March 10, 2016


Having just passed the eclipse in Pisces, one patiently waits for its effects. This was no ordinary eclipse, but a powerful one with a three month post-ecliptic punch. It is highly recommended in this week post the New Moon eclipse, not to make any major decisions. The information revealed this week can be unexpected, a surprise, and/or even a shock. Don't expect things to go back to normal because this New Moon is moving us forward, whether we like it or not. The good news is usually eclipses bring positive news. However, even positive stress is still stress.

Things to ask yourself during this penumbral period:

-How are events unfolding in my life related to a similar eclipse which happened in March, 1997? What have I completed back then so it doesn't haunt me today? What is still dogging me from that time period?

-What do I need to let go of, say good bye to, and/or finally resolve to move forward immediately? Eclipses don't generally tolerate dawdlers.

-What does a new start look like? What is emerging in my life that is coloring how I look at myself and my future?

-What will bring me joy, lightness of being, and a fresh sense of excitement?

-What fear do I need to dump, what hope do I need to shore, and what risk do  I need to take?

The Vernal Equinox is just around the corner. Sunday brings the time change across the United States. Conditions are ripe for planting a spring garden in one's soul. That's the power of this Pisces New Moon eclipse.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Welcome to an exciting New Moon in Pisces, March 8th. Not only is it a new moon, but a supermoon and eclipse as well. With a number of planets in Pisces, this promises to be a watery, emotional eclipse especially affecting those born in Pisces and Virgo. New moons always sweep clean. This is a good time to examine where you are at emotionally as well as how stable your relationships are. For the next three months we will be under the spell of this powerful Pisces lunation and relationships will be key.

Along with emotions that could be a calm as a placid lake or as treacherous as a tsunami, comes spiritual growth. This Pisces New Moon as also connected with the spiritual foundation which encourages positive forward movement. As winter begins to shed its white coat, the lengthening sunlight inspires energetic choices. Even with Saturn, the taskmaster planet, operating at a hard angle to this eclipse, one still has some control over how one reacts to this ablution. Will you make choices that wash away being anchored to the past, unhappy situations, or depressing ties? Let the shadow of this New Moon Eclipse be the lavage that cleanses the soul.