Sunday, May 17, 2015

Being New Mooned by a Bull Drifting into Mercury Retrograde

Officially the New Moon in Taurus begins on May 17th at 9:13pm PDT. Hot on its heels, the next day Mercury stations retrograde until June 11th in Gemini which it rules. How is this all going to make us feel? Like this:

Balance will be a key element in the week ahead. Taurus, the second earth sign which signifies spring will have some unpredictable variables catching us off guard with Gemini's windy, scattered communications. As we try to find our ground, the New Moon is slightly pushing us off balance because nature moves in cycles. We are in a season of growth; this is a time for seeding the uncertainty of our dreams without a safety net. Hypnotized by the clever distractions for constancy, we delude ourselves with our hard reality which will make us fall over backwards. Relaxing and enjoying this ride is what is called for but feels like the last thing we can do. What we can do, for a split second, is absorb what is needed next by taking it all in and letting it reach equilibrium.

As you know, Mercury retrograde is no time for impulsive decision making. It's like a magician's trick, you think you know how it's done but you're not paying attention. Looking back is a piece of puzzle to the solution of knowing how the magic is done. Now I'm not referring to obsession but peaking back at what is incomplete, unfinished, or needs a second look. This purpose is not to reawaken the dead but to understand your part in whatever is leftover keeping you from moving forward.

Time to pick up the mirror and put down the microscope.

Stop making worms into anacondas.

Realize the train you're on has left the station.

The Universe is impartial to how you feel about what you're going through. Resistance is futile.

Keeping moving forward.

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