Friday, March 16, 2018

A St. Patrick's New Moon in Pisces

We have two events to celebrate together: St. Patrick's Day and the New Moon in Pisces. These two observances have the opposite temperaments. One is a Christian celebration of a famed Irish priest usually recognized by joining in debaucherous drinking and carousing. The other is a dreamer's New Moon enticing us to drink in the unconscious by means of sleep, prayer, meditation, and dreams. No chemicals needed. 

This New Moon in Pisces is calling us to dive deep. For it is only in the unconscious can we awaken to our true selves without inhibition. There are natural signs that support this temporary hibernation: the end of winter, the lengthening of light, the eventual warming of temps, and an explosion of birth. We are a scant few days away from spring and the most important Holy Day for Christians-Easter. During the New Moon's  time of reclusive introspection we prepare for emerging transformed. 

Sounds like a fairy tale? Yes and no. It depends how motivated one is  to go fearlessly into cleaning up the ugly, the unforgiven, the victimization, and the mortal wound. No one said this lunation would bring the confidence of intuitive guidance without awakening an old injury which needs attention. This is the season of redemption; now is the time.

We forget this is also the season of miracles. What miracles might we encounter? According to Google's dictionary it is, "a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency."

Are you ready to simply be who you are? 

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