Thursday, February 5, 2015

Inspiration for an Early February Day

"Divinely inspired, I go after my dreams.

Inspiration literally means “to breathe into.” All creation began with an idea and an inspiration. When I pray and meditate, I feel Spirit breathing divine ideas into me. Infused with a new awareness, I envision new possibilities.
Through the powers of faith, imagination, and will, I bring my ideas to manifestation and achieve my dreams. When I am inspired, I draw all the resources I need to accomplish my goal. Inspiration comes from God—it is undeterred by outer circumstances or obstacles.
As I act on my deepest inspirations, the energy of Spirit pulses through me. I embrace divine ideas and pursue my dreams with great courage, certainty, and faith." -The Daily Word

What do I need to 'breathe into' today? Being at the affect of numerous demands, I forget in the routine of life that inspiration cultivates vision. When I am stuck, at my wits end, or can't handle it anymore, I remember there is always creation. How much do I needlessly struggle against 'reality' when I could be choosing to envision instead? 

Once, when things had been going miserably my marriage, my former husband said to me, "We will solve this through the use of our imaginations." How right he was. By not focusing on aspects weighing our present down, we were inspired to a new path in our lives by changing directions.

For me, it is easy to become discouraged, feel overwhelmed, and allow negativity to overtake me. By asking for the faith, courage, and inspiration to guide me, I actively seek the higher road. Reality is not some harsh existence but pregnant with opportunities when I am receptive and my mind open. Inspired, I am in the right place, at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity.

Thank you, Daily Word, for reminding me of this.

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