Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Astrologically for Virgos, the planet Jupiter is in the twelfth house: the house of the hidden, the unconscious, dreams, intuition, secrets, and psychic phenomenon. I call it the house of death because it is the last house of the zodiac where critical mass reaches culmination. Say good bye to anything and everything you thought was an absolute certainty going into older age. Secrets are revealed, unconscious or hidden desires surface, and the maturation of one's intuitive skin directs how to respond to the unknown. Like the Confessor sworn to the oath of secrecy, the hidden buried beneath the breast seeks release from the burden of the past. The chrysalis reminds us of the Buddhist 'suffering of birth' is a transitional stage.

Everything begins ultimately with death: the death of a dream, the death of vocational verve, death of solid beliefs, and the death of relationships (not just separation or divorce-physical death as well), death of the way you thought it would be. Now is the time for all good Virgos to grapple with the unresolved issues from previous losses. Only by clearing out this mental and emotional debris can Virgos get ready for August 11th, when our planet of luck (Jupiter) moves into Virgo. So it is wise to commence cleaning.

Everything starts with the past. Don't be afraid of saying good bye, letting go, and burying the dead. Be aware of secrets, dreams, coincidences, and the handwriting on the wall. The signs are everywhere, it's waking up and acting on them that is the challenge. Having the faith to release everything will prepare a new table being set for us in August. I rest my fate.

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