Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Strawberry Sagittarius Full Moon

"The Full Strawberry Moon – June:  This name was universal to every Algonquin tribe. However, in Europe they called it the Rose Moon. Also because the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries comes each year during the month of June . . . so the full Moon that occurs during that month was christened for the strawberry!" -The Farmer's Almanac

As I write this, the gorgeous full June moon in Sagittarius is lovingly showering me with its early morning moonbeams. The loveliness of image conjures up a bucolic soft moonlit field lush with a fresh growth of crops. This fiery lunation smack dab in airy Gemini means hot dry winds. But these siroccos are whipping up our creative cognition, giving us a chance to innovate, invent, and inaugurate. It's not enough to appreciate the strawberries produced in concert with this June moon-we are motivated to let ourselves out of our repressive closet of fears and self-sabotage. To accomplish this we need to slow down, let go, and deal with what shows up. What good is it to have keen insights when they go nowhere? That is the point.

This Sagittarian Full Moon reminds us of how delicate strawberries are. They have a short growing season and are fragile to transport. In this beginning season of summer we dive into our gentle nature, this time with the mental energy for creative action. Obsessing and compulsing are the exact opposite of what is being asked of us. This is a time for thoughtful contemplation, patience, and channeling desires into meaningful forward movement. It's about allowing the universe to guide us to see what unfolds.

Where are you stuck? What do you know you need to do but are afraid? Who has come to offer you a message but you are too preoccupied to hear it? How does a journey of a thousand miles begin when you've taken a detour? If not now, when?

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