Saturday, May 20, 2017

Weiner's Weiner Problem

This week Anthony Weiner plead guilty to soliciting sex with a minor in a tearful media moment designed to make him appear a victim of a 'disease'. I also have a disease, it's called spondylolisthesis, which is a deterioration of the discs in my back. It has not, however, made me repeatedly tweet pictures of my genitals to minor children for the purpose of seeking sex. 

Okay, I get it, the kind of disease he has is a repetition compulsion which follows an addictive model. But the point I am trying to make is that using a 'disease' as an excuse to sexually exploit children somehow dismisses the devastating impact it has on the most vulnerable casualties he has hurt. The indication here is that the 'disease' is responsible, not Mr. Weiner. 

Feeling any compassion for Mr. Weiner's problem leaves him no understanding that his all consuming obsession exonerates him as the root cause. The focus of his 'disease' is his inability to control his urges, not those he perpetrated them on. He shows little insight into how his sexual depravity affects his victims throughout their lifetime. Most people think victims of sexual crimes can easy overcome this with therapy and TLC. This is not so. 

Mr. Weiner's social status and money allowed him to get a light sentence for his crimes. This would not be so if he was another race or poor. Having to register as a sex offender for life is a small price to pay. His victims may not be as lucky.

It is of note that his wife, Huma Abedin, filled for divorce from him this week. Staying with him after his first sexting debacle proved her steely denial and unwavering loyalty made her blind and complicit to the seriousness of his 'disease'. Maybe after seeing the pictures of how he used their child in the last sexting scandal has woken her up to he would have used any prop to consequate his repetition compulsion. Her sentence will also be lifelong: this was no doubt a factor in causing Ms. Clinton to lose the election, her reputation is now ruined by her extremely poor judgment, and there is little doubt her name will forever be linked to a humiliating 'disease'.

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