Saturday, September 30, 2017

Trump: Making America Rape Again

I just finished another communique with Mr. Trump about my outrage of yet another one of his cabinet gang plundering taxpayer money by chartering expensive air travel. With the mass devastation suffered by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria impacting thousands of lives, we see money sorely needed for humanitarian actions lavishly being spent by the 'Swamp' deniers on their egotistical lifestyles. The 'fake news' media has reported Trump spends an average of 5 million dollars every time he flies to Florida to golf. Tom Price, our HHSA Secretary, has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars flying anywhere he wants, and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin believes it is his God-given right to impress his trophy wife in the presidential airbus. For being 'fake news', they are quick to respond with their rationalizations.

Trump campaigned on 'Making America Great Again'. He and his Cabinet should have campaigned on 'Making America Rape Again', since this is precisely what we witness daily. Are we really surprised by this? None of them seem to think there is anything wrong with ransacking public coffers to satisfy their avaricious whims. Why not? Just look at Mr. Trump's history with women-his behavior speaks volumes about the power of preying on the vulnerable because of privilege. Leading by example, he takes what he wants, does what he wants, and expects us to enjoy being penetrated by his lust for attention, power, and money. We are not allowed to say 'no', 'stop', cry for help, or 'don't grab my pussy'.

Tom Price's resignation is yet another revolving door of shame for the Trump Administration. But don't worry, there's plenty more of his robber baron cronies waiting in Trump Tower lined up to be considered as their replacements. Because Trump lives in a Sodom and Gomorrah aristocracy, finding qualified candidates with integrity is like finding a camel passing through an eye of a needle. BTW:  I don't doubt Trump thinks his needle is the biggest.

The King of the Swamp will continue his predatory antics until he is impeached. We are his rape victims witnessing an era of sincere delusion where his words are tweeted braggadocio, his actions despicable, and there is no hope of any of his dangerous posturing relenting.

But I refuse to be his rape victim. Until he repeals the First Amendment or gets us blown up by North Korea, I will continue to use my voice to write the White House frequently with my opposition to his presidency. When the 2018 elections come, I will vote for change. Whenever there is a protest against his racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and anti-science stances, I will join them. Therein lies our hope.

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