Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Perfect Cadaver Soulmate

       Mercury retrograde, which ends July 1st, is a good time to reexamine where one is heading. Be assured that this is not a time to make plans. Plans tend to fail in Mercury retrograde due to the general atmosphere of miscommunication. Usually it is a two-way street of missed signals which causes misunderstanding. (Take heart, since Mercury is my ruling planet, and I am exalted in Mercury, the retrogrades of this planet are hellish for me. ) Right now Mercury is in the sign of Cancer, making decisions more emotionally based. Confusing feelings, faulty perceptions, and a general sense of being stranded in uncertainty are hallmarks of this, the last of Mercury in the watery planet of Cancer. As we move direct July 1st, things will stabilize and terra firma will return. As an earthy Virgo, I shall await the move to solid earth with great anticipation. So, what am I doing during this retrograde since I am in the quicksand of sludge? I am reading about attracting my soulmate.
      Reading about soulmates during the retrograde in Cancer is akin to being dumped in the ocean without a life preserver. The vastness of incomprehensibility, while one is treading water, is staggering. Maybe I am obtuse, but the over the top advice in these books seems slightly more useful than voodoo. A friend jokingly said I had a better chance at dating a cadaver. As I thought about his advice, I thought that dating a cadaver is more practical and attainable than redesigning my house to accommodate my fantasy soulmate. At least the cadaver won't be as particular where he slumbers. There is something inherently flawed about these author's theories of making oneself ready for love. Is anyone ever ready for anything? And doesn't life still happen whether one is ready or not?
      This morning I took one of these author's advice and created a list of what I wanted in a partner (sorry, I can't use the word soulmate because it sounds too cutesy). As I wrote my list, I thought Dr. Frankenstein had high hopes too when he was putting together his grand design of the perfect man. My opus magnum could not have been any shorter, as there seemed to be no end to my obsessive list. Too bad there is no Peabody Award for listing characteristics of the perfect soulmate, this might be my crowning literary achievement. Now for a little electricity.


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