Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Schwarzenegger + Trump=Schwrump, a Marriage Made in Heaven

The explosive bromance between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Donald Trump is the most exciting news to come out of Washington since Betsy DeVos was caught in the Oval Office bathroom tonguing Kellyane Conway (just kidding). 

Let's face it, Trump's Warren Harding Cabinet is so abhorrently vile that a titillatingly vitriolic feud between T & A provides a comedic diversionary schadenfreude. What better way to shrug off endless 'WTF has Trump done now' than watch the perfect celebrity epic ego battle splayed across the media. Their verbal sparring is proof that water seeks its own level, what goes around comes around, and one does reap what one sows. 

Trumps humiliating tweets taunting the Terminator hit below the belt. The lowest blow came when Arnie either left or was allegedly fired from "Celebrity Apprentice"(of which Mr. Trump is a conflict of interest-free producer). Trump made sure his only 15 minutes of TV celebrity reality show fame would not be overshadowed by Arnie's aging jock star stealing his thunder. It riled Trump so that he could not contain his unbridled scorn while speaking disparagingly about it at the National Prayer Breakfast.

But Trump underestimated Arnie's astute political humor (probably because he's forgotten that Arnie's been worse at politics longer). In an interview on Sirius radio, Arnie was asked by an interviewer about his riff with the President. The Terminator's simple jeering quip was,"I think he's in love with me." Point, set, and match.

Expect a Trump twitter bashing with a side of adolescent mano y mano ridicule. Forget the savage press, intimidating special prosecutors, and threats of impeachment, we have a new secret weapon: Arnie.

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